Thursday, August 03, 2006

Shut up, when there is nothing to say

We talk. Endlessly. If someone is quiet for a while, we feel compelled to fill the silence. Just to say something. It makes us feel awkward to sit there and be quiet for a while, to feel and enjoy the silence. To know that the other person might need to ponder about a response.

Often, we break the silence.

Then, oftentimes, after we spoke, we regret that we said something. Our inner voice tells us - "Damn, I should have just kept my mouth shut."

Do you know what I am talking about?

In a relationship, when you know that the word you are bound to say is hurting the most. How often are we saying something then, and wooms, hell breaks lose.

In a sales environment, after the perfect presentation, you ask for the sale and the client doesn't respond immediately. Stays quiet. And quiet. The seconds seem to get longer and longer. And, suddenly, you blurr out, try to justify the price, the sale, the ANYTHING. Instead of staying quiet.

Sometimes, it is just enough to be quiet. And let silence talk. Silence is golden, sometimes at least. But, it is an art to stay quiet.

Can you recall a similar situation?

(NLP in Asia)

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