Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Eye patterns, customer orientation and decision making strategies

This now is a bit of an advanced NLP topic, but I am in the mood to write about it.

I believe that all of us have realised that when we look at people, they move their eyes, in all directions. It might look like it is a wild goose chase going on, but hey, when people move their eyes, they are actually doing something inside their head.

Now this has been a bit of a contentious topic over the years, with some groups saying that it is nonsense, and others, that it is a workable "technique". I think that if it works for you, it is fine, and if some believe it doesn't work, well, they will come around, sooner or later, okay?

Because, fact is, we all move our eyes.

Talk to people, ask them questions, and look at them, how they move their eyes - and you will see that they do!
Now, basically, there are six quadrants as you can see in the chart.

Vc - which stands for Visual Construct - people construct pictures in their head that they haven't seen before
Vr - which stands for Visual Recall or Remember - people access pictures from their memory,

Ac - which stands for Auditory Construct - people construct sounds, that they haven't heard before
Ar - which stands for Auditory Recall or Remember - people access sounds from their memory,
K - which stands for Kinesthetic - people access their feelings
Ad - which stands for Auditory digital or self-talk - people access information.

(Borrowed, with gratitude, from Renewal CA)

Now, listen - in many NLP books it is written that this is how you access your own different quadrants, but hey - I am teaching you that this is how it is when you are looking at the other person.


Because people access or construct information inside their head and it goes very, very fast. What they are doing is formulating their way of action - how do they do what they do. You want to know what is going on inside their head, not inside your own head, for that matter.


Not really.

You can use the information, on which quadrant people access to identify how they motivate themselves, how they make decision, and how they reassure themselves that they have made the right choice.

Wow, that is great, because, well, you now can look people into the eyes, and know what they want, how they want it and how they are assured of what they got.

Imagine, you can use this to build rapport with people, and serve them better. Because instead of being the pushy salesperson, who is coming from the wrong end of town, you simply know how to sell according to how people want their stuff. What customer orientation is that? What great sales strategy!

Just by looking into their eyes.

Now, wasn't there a movie, where oen actor was saying - "look into my eyes, baby"? Gives a whole new meaning.

These eye patterns elicitation is something I am going to teach in the NLP Certified Practitioner Course in January/ February 2007. I will provide much more detail, and we have a couple of great exercises around it, so that you are able to really use it in your day to day life. So why don't you join me?

Just send me a mail to NLP AT and we take it from there, okay?

Andreas (Asia Mind Dynamics)

NLP in Asia)

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

NLP Certified Practitioner Course in Kuala Lumpur: Course Benefits

Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP, due to its nature, touches all areas of humans and the environment. This is because we all have a subconscious mind, because we all think, act, behave, communicate, interact with others, have our habits, capabilities, values and identity.

Thus, it always looks so encompassing, when you read NLP brochures. But, here it is - what you will learn in the upcoming NLP Certified Practitioner Course in Kuala Lumpur in January 2007.

Interested to know more? Send me a mail to nlp AT


During the Certified NLP Practitioner Training you learn to apply NLP in many different areas successfully:

Grow your career, or your business - NLP in Business – e.g.; Sales, management, communication, performance enhance. career development;

Your personal life – Communicating with others and create more rewarding relationships, become a better parent, learn easier and remember more

For A Healthier Life – the breaking of bad and installation of great habits

Personal Acceleration – empowerment and motivation at your fingertips

In detail - what are you going away with:

What are the benefits and outcomes of this training?
Practical tools for your day-to-day life ….

• Learn how to set and achieve goals that really materialize
• Create instant rapport by communicating much more effectively with the people you meet
• Change your mindset, gain emotional mastery and access your inner personal strength and
capabilities —be at peak performance anytime you want
• Become aware of other people’s body language by increasing your understanding of sensory
• Learn how to communicate to the subconscious mind
• Be able to give and accept constructive feedback
• Understand the way other people think and act and be able to influence them positively
• Eliminate limited beliefs and generate new behaviors – see opportunities where before, there were
only problems
• Be able to identify and interrupt unwanted behaviour in yourself and others
• Get rid of those habits that you always wanted to get rid off – and help others to do so as well
• Resolve inner problems with great healing methods
• Get closer to your clients, friends and family – learn how they get motivated, make decisions and be
• Run meetings effectively, succeed in business negotiations, dramatically grow your sales, and
become a successful parent
• Learn how to coach others effectively and become a more effective leader
• Become more creative, innovative and powerful in your thinking and brainstorming skills by amazing
others with your lateral-, high level and specific thinking abilities
• Learn precision questions to get behind the meaning of words and sentences
• Learn hypnotic language patterns and how to apply them in your day-to-day life for greater success
• Be able to see varied perspectives from many different positions

And much, much more….

• In short … the training in NLP puts you in charge of your mind, body and therefore your life and your

My personal aim is that you go away from this training knowing that this was the most amazing, and life changing training ever.

(NLP in Asia)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

NLP Certified Practitioner Course in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in January/ February 2007

Asia Mind Dynamics is organising a fast paced, fun loaden and success oriented Certified NLP Practitioner Course in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia!!
If you are interested in changing your life, and to make 2007 a year of personal and professional breakthrough then register immediately (nlp AT and book your seat NOW:
Training Dates
January 20 - 21, 2007
January 27-28 2007
February 3-4, 2007
February 10-11, 2007
There will be not more than 15-20 participants in the training so that I personally can attend to all participants to help them succeed in the exercises.

My aim in this workshop is to assist participants such as you to get to know the magic of NLP, fully understand how it works and be able to apply it in all parts of your life - perfectly.

I developed staggered stages for the registration process:

1.) The investment for the Early Bird registration, which closes on December 31, 2005 is RM5,700*;

2.) The investment from January 1 onwards until training commences is RM6,300;

3.) When you bring a friend who also signs up for the training, the investment for you will remain at RM5,700 after December 31 while your friend has to invest RM6,300;

4.) Should both of you sign up before December 31, you qualify for RM5,200 and your friend for RM5,700*;

* These condition applies for full payments only!

Please be aware that we impose an administrative fee if you cancel your participation 1 week before the training to cover administrative and other occurring charges on our side.
Accelerate your performance!
Create the changes you desire and break through in your personal and professional life.
Make 2007 a year that counts!

Please send a mail to me in case of questions or inquiries -
nlp AT

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Rapport building - now watch this picture

A while ago I wrote that rapport building is matching and mirroring the other person in their physiology, tonality and the words they use.

I don't know how much has been said during the recent meeting between Indonesian Foreign Minister Hassan Wirajuda, and Australian counterpart Alexander Downer before they signed the security agreement in Indonesia last Monday.

The pact signals closer ties between two countries that have experienced a long history of thorny relations and looking at the picture below, boy, I have to say that these two hit it off. Look how much they mirror each other and I really don't think that they do this purposely. Both tilting their head, both signing nearly simultanteously, and have the same facial expressions. Rapport can be so beautiful.


(NLP in Asia)

Monday, November 13, 2006

Malaysia's ranking in the happiness survey - is being happy so difficult?

Adoh - what is that? A map of happiness? Produced by the Psychology Department of the University of Leicester, and Professor Adrian White, an Analytic Social Psychologist. And Malaysia is placed pretty well at rank 17 as one of the happiest nations?

The analysis is based on the findings of over 100 different studies around the world, which questioned 80,000 people worldwide. For this study data has also been analysed in relation to health, wealth and access to education.

There is, firstly, no clear indicator in the study of what makes people happy. One time, the article states that "the frustrations of modern life, and the anxieties of the age, seem to be much less significant compared to the health, financial and educational needs in other parts of the World."

Hm - what do I think? Personally, I think that the definition of happiness varies widely across the world.

From an NLP point of view, happiness is a State of Mind. And a State of Mind can be changed, almost immediately. Initially, and if you are a person that carries a lot of sadness, or similar emotions with you, happiness might only be short lived, until you clear up issues in your emotional life. But basically, to reach a happy state is easy.

What do you need to do?

in short (very short), all you need to do is a to do a two step process:

- Change your physiology. Stand upright, and look upward. How difficult is it to be sad when you look upwards. Related to it - smile. Smile, and even if it is a faked smile. Fake it till you break it. The moment you smile, neurochemicals are released from your brain into your body and the body reacts to it, sooner or later (probably sooner). And your State of Mind changes!!

- In addition, you just need to remember a time when you where happy (or any other State that you want). Remember a specific time, focus on the positive feelings. Then float into your body, see what saw, hear what your heard and feel the feeling of happiness rising in you. You can access positive states anytime, anywhere!This is standard NLP for anyone. Remember something you like and you are back into the same state (don't try it with states you don't like, hehe!).

Now - of course, this doesn't change the fact that there are some people out there that want to be unhappy. They chose to be unhappy, with everything, and curse and swear and point the finger at others as the cause of their unhappiness - the government, the boss, the driver on the road, the unfriendly service attendant, the blogger next door, whose opinion you don't share. But, again, that is THEIR choice. And again, you can chose to be unhappy or happy, whenever you want.

Try it out, as I explained above, or also here with the Circle of Excellence!

(NLP in Asia)

Thursday, November 09, 2006

The secret to success: Rapport building skills

Do you read self-help books? Do you find that there is often a description about building rapport but then, you don't quite know how this goes? Would you like to build better rapport with those around you, but don't know how?

There are also plenty of recruitment and interview skills handbooks out there, but I also find that they are not always helpful. Don't you agree? I understand that the intention of the authors is to help readers in search for good answers.

Still, the question still remains - how the heck do you build good rapport? Especially, since first impressions count. Today more so than ever in an increasingly competitive environment!

Rapport by is defined as "Relationship, especially one of mutual trust or emotional affinity." How true is that - but does it help? Not really, right?

NLP talks differently about rapport, and states that rapport is not about a relationship - it leads to it - but that rapport is the instant connection with another person mostly on at the subconscious level. Just another definition, still not helpful.

Well, let me give you some numbers - people always communicate, in fact, you cannot NOT communicate. Everything in your appearance communicates. You body, your physiology, your skin colour changes (yes, they change constantly!!), your words and the way you say those.

There was a research done, a longer time back by someone called Birdwhistle or so (others say that there was someone starting with an M, who established the findings earlier), that states the following:

During a communication, what you communicate via words makes up only 7% of the total. In contrast, 38% of our communication with others is a result of the verbal behavior - tone of voice, timbre, tempo, and volume. Overwhelmingly, 55% of our communication with others is nonverbal communication, such as body posture, breathing, skin color and our movement. Figure that!!

Remember a time when you just knew that the person in front of you wasn't telling the truth or that is was a bad time to interupt the other person because he "looked so busy"!

True, what?

So rapport relates to matching and mirroring the other person in their physiology, tonality and the words they use. Do this consciously - match and mirror people, the moment you get into touch with them - but not in a way that is too obvious, because that would be mimicking!! And hey, it is not manipulative - look around you, and see, how people that converse sit in similar positions, stand just as if they were mirroring each other, how great they feel when you talk the same language (e.g.; see how guys link up with each other, when they talk about sport!!). For me, it is like a dance with each other. In harmony. The subconscious mind is picking up the signals and says "hey, this person is just like me, I like the person." Isn't this happening all around us?

What I have done here is giving you a short breakdown on what rapport building is about and how to do it. Try it out, over the next day or two. When I conduct the training during the NLP Practitioner course (in end-January), I will explain, in much more detail, how good rapport building is done, and what goes into it (NLP teaches you the process of how to do things). But the result is that it makes you more aware of how things are done, and in the end, it makes real practitioner more successful - in interview situations, meetings, negotiations, hey, even in discos and pubs. And that is what everybody wants to be in life, more successful, right now.

(NLP in Asia)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Success story for NLP

How is that? I just found this entry from someone on the web:

The author wrote that she was a "recipient of an NLP intervention in early 2004. I used to live with constant depression, self-sabotage and chronic under-achievement. I had spent nearly 20 years working with different therapists, reading self-help books, and studying different psychological approaches to find a way to get myself healed and whole. It may sound surprising, but my intervention lasted all of 6 hours and I immediately became a different woman :: healed and whole.

That next week, I ended my ongoing therapist appointments. Within 3 months I moved into a new career making 500% more than before. And within 6 months I had learned enough about NLP on my own to start using the approach to ‘pay it forward’ and help others remove their own obstacles to success."

Hm - NLP works, right? What are you saying?

(Psst: When are you going to jumb onto NLP to accelerate your life? Asia Mind Dynamics is going to offer a NLP Practitioner course VERY soon - ready to rock and change your life?)

(NLP in Asia)

Beautiful - hypnosis leads to weight loss

A North Texan Teen, 13 years of age, says something almost like "magic" helped her lose 70 pounds - and it is the magic of hypnosis. Before that, she only ate junk food.

Once again, a lot of our habits, if not all, are deeply burried in our subconscious mind. Without positively influencing this huge part of our mind, most of our conscious efforts to change behaviour can fail.

Learning, behavioural change and all needs to encompass both, the conscious and the unconscious level. And to change our habits, we have to change this deep structure inside our mind.

Thus, ask yourself, is hypnosis a way to overcome obesity? I believe it sure is.

(NLP in Asia)