Thursday, August 30, 2007

NLP Certified Practitioner Training: Recommendations from participants

There are plenty of reasons to train with Asia Mind Dynamics, but what better than let the students talk!! Life on video taken after the last Certified NLP Practitioner Training.

Because, to become the best, you have to train with the best.

Rowena, who "lost" her phobia of cokcroaches in the training. What training is THAT where you lose a skill? Before the training, she was really good at her phobia, now .... gone!!

Subashini, who found her way in the training, and develop unbelievably positive goals. In addition, she lost her love for chicken and has stopped eating our feathered friends.

Suan Tin, a wonderful woman, with so much warmth and dedication to her family and company, came torn apart in conflicts and left the training strong, powerful and as someone who knows how to deal with confict.

Jonathan of JonQ. A great guy who experienced major breakthroughts in the training.

There were more trainees, but we only took videos of those four. I am more than happy to provide names and telephone numbers to those who are interested in speaking with these four or others. Because, well, Asia Mind Dynamics and I are proud of our students who are the best trained practitioners around!!

(related link: Asia Mind Dynamics)

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Phobias in your life

Phobias are some @^#%$@ for some. Once you have one, boy, it can ruin a life, since a phobia starts running your life.

I don't know how many phobias there are, but if you are interested, check it out here. Quite a long list of pretty good phobias. I am serious. I mean, a phobia is tough, right? It is a deep seated, irrational fear, that triggers off, everytime, someone with a phobia encounters a certain situation.

A phobia is deep-seated in the unconscious mind, and I am always saying to those with a phobia, that this is a sign of how strong their unconscious mind is.

"People with phobias try to avoid what they are afraid of. If they cannot, they may experience:

- Panic and fear
- Rapid heartbeat
- Shortness of breath
- Trembling
- A strong desire to get away."

It is quite a cute description, right? A strong desire to go away? I saw people screaming just by the sight of a cockroach.

I once read about a child that was scared of wind! Now that is something. She was told by a friend that when the wind blows people are blown away and never return! That sad, right? But it explains a lot.

The mind protects us from ever encounter the same situation again, and because we don't have the tools to remove the fear, it stays with us. I saw a document once about a woman in fear of cockroaches as well, and she checked every single corner of her house the moment she came home and every single place, she visited during the day. She was really, fully dressed up, everytime she left the house, in protected clothes!!

A phobia can ruin your life.

I finally have a person in my NLP Certified Practitioner Training with a cockroach phobia. Yes!! I can demonstrate how easy it is to remove a phobia, once the right technique is applied. Haha, and I am looking forward to it.


In our training classes, we teach you how to remove phobias. Why not checking out our brochures and if you are ready for change, join us and others on the journey to success and self-management?
New training classes are starting - register soon to secure your place.


The Secret of Personal Excellence - Accelerate your life with NLP.
August 25-26

NLP Certified Practitioner Course + Certified Timeline Therapy (TM) Techniques Practitioner

1st Module Nov 15-18, 2007
2nd Module Nov 22-25, 2007
3rd Module Dec 1-2, 2007

Price is staggered, dependent on your time of registration - so in order to get the best offer, better register VERY early!!

Download the Brochure for more information

Register Online - click here

Register via fax form with this registration form - click here

Saturday, August 11, 2007

How to work with anger and other negative emotions

I know you know people like this. Those that are always angry. Whatever happens, whatever people say, they are angry.

I don't know anybody who gets up in the morning and decides that he or she wants to be angry immediately. But often, it just takes a little bit of disturbance and those people get angry.

It shows on their face, in the body posture and the reaction to others. More so, it is hard to say anything to them, because they have this aura of ..... "don't touch me, don't say anything" around them. Why talk to them in the first place, right? I mean, gosh, no one wants to be exposed to anger.

Sometimes it seems that those who are angry always assume that whatever comes up to them is meant to hurt them. Whatever others say is directed at them.

It is easy to let go of anger, with something that we in complimentary therapy call Time Line Therapy (TM). But this is another, long to explain topic.

Anger and hostility correlates strongly with heart diseases, poorer health conditions and earlier death. It is, of course, not good to repress your anger, since this is more like nuking your inner body and totally pollutes your mind. In fact, if you become aware of your anger, you will probably realise that you get angry more and more often, without actually being provoked.

Anger is created far inside of our brain, something that is already 500 million years old inherited from fish on our climb up the evolutionary ladder - the limbic brain and one of its parts, called the amydala.

It is suppose to preserve us and make us ready, when we need an energy boost, when a human is threatened - fight or flight. Inside something little, almond-shaped, called amygdala.


Now, once aroused, the amygdala sends off a lot of chemical material into the blood stream, muscle tensing etc, to get us ready to fight or run.

These signals are set off, before we can actually think. Thinking is derived in a different structure in the brain, the prefrontal cortex and kicks in later. That is then, when you get back to your senses, and realise that your anger was useless.

Have you ever done something very "stupid" only to regret it later? That means that your rational behaviour started later, and the emotional brain hijacked you. In the worse case (and we have seen those in Malaysia in many recent cases), your logical thinking is totally blended out, rage takes over and you go for whatever you think you need to go for.

The sad part is anger is addictive. The good part is that you can learn to let go or control it. Awareness creates choice. If you don't want to undergo coaching to let go of your anger, watch yourself and see, when you get angry. Right down the situation in which you are in. What is happening around you?

After a while, you might realise certain patterns that cause you to get angry, certain circumstances, comments, or even people. And then you can start working at it to change. Because, awareness creates change!!

In our training classes, we teach you how to use the power of your mind to achieve your goals. Why not checking out our brochures and if you are ready for change, join us and others on the journey to success and self-management?
New training classes are starting - register soon to secure your place.


The Secret of Personal Excellence - Accelerate your life with NLP.
August 25-26

The Secret of Excellence in Leadership - Accerate your leadership skills with NLP
August 20-21

NLP Certified Practitioner Course + Certified Timeline Therapy (TM) Techniques Practitioner

1st Module Nov 15-18, 2007
2nd Module Nov 22-25, 2007
3rd Module Dec 1-2, 2007

Price is staggered, dependent on your time of registration - so in order to get the best offer, better register VERY early!!

Download the Brochure for more information

Register Online - click here

Register via fax form with this registration form - click here