I hardly ever won, before that day, and that is okay, because, well, I knew I wasn't that good.
Last Friday, the company went out on a bowling competiton. We reserved about 20 lanes and it was fun.

(taken from www.tabradys.missouri.edu)
And I focused, very intensively. Focused on the point, I wanted the ball (is it called ball?) to go to. So the ball moving, rolling, and smashing into the pin that I selected. Spoke to me - and the ball - that I want to get it on that point on the track, and get to the right point.
Then I let go.
It didn't always work, of course. There were many, many players around me that were way, way better. Nevertheless, I have to say that I played my best two games. Okay, my highest score was 125 or so, but hey - for someone who never reached 100 before, that is great! And it feels real good to have a couple of great strikes in a game!

(taken from http://www.irtc.org/ftp/pub/stills/2005-12-31/bowling.jpg)
And, it simply is my belief that focus on my outcome helped.
(NLP in Asia)
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