Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Getting inside their head with writing

It is so important to get the message right in whatever you write. You know why? Look at the way you read your mails. Somehow along the line, we are not trained to speed read or to capture the whole meaning of a document in its whole.

Instead, we are reading word, by word, by word. Some read faster, some read slower but all we do is to repeat the message with the voice in our head. So right now, you were reading "most of us repeat the message with the voice in our head."

Who is the person you, or your subconscious mind, believes most? Most of you will say - "I trust me, I believe me."

Now, when you read the text, the message or the voice of the author is in your mind. Silently, you repeat his message, the message of the author.

How powerful, if the message that is stated on the paper/ screen/ mobile phone is strong and convincing. The writer's voice or intention is in the reader's mind.

Wah ---- Imagine that.

That is where hypnotic language comes in. If you are able to write a message hypnotically, your message goes straight into the recipient's mind. And the mind is than not listening to some boring salesperson, but to its "owner." This is happening with messages that are not even covered up - but those that stare at you, in black and white, from the page or the screen in front of you.

Interesting, isn't it?

So, the challenge of course is to know what makes the recipient tick before you embark on writing a mail, SMS or letter.

What is driving the recipient? It is easy to see when you had have a conversation with the recipient already - you give back their words, in one way or another. Why? Because that is the way they wrote it to you, duh! Change it a bit here and there but when you find something that seems important to them, give it back to them.

These are the words that they liked. So why not repeating them?

If you do not know their style, still, you want to be careful about your writing style. You can use hypnotic language patterns to get the message across, because this will surely work. Don't you think?

(NLP in Asia)

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