Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Hypnosis Helps Some Students Improve Test Scores

This is interesting news for those who struggle to meet their challenges in school, college or university. How often do I read in student's blog that they struggle to study, no time, too much to do etc.

Sure, there is a lot to learn but what if there is a magic pill? Or in this case, what would you do if you would know that hypnosis can actually help in getting better grades and test scores?

Ahhhh - curious?

How do we feel when we study? I remember from my time in uni, that as closer I got to the tests or examinations, the more nervous and anxious I became. I would check the books for correct answer every two minutes or so. Close it - try to remember, need to confirm, gosh, I was so paranoid myself, looking back.

What I realised - my method - was that I learnt better when I went to sleep shortly after studying. the subconscious mind learns best when we sleep.

The article linked here outlines beautifully the success that hypnosis can bring to study tests, by describing the case of one boy called Alex.

"I used to be afraid of tests, but now I tell myself there is not a problem anymore 'cause it's nothing to worry about," Alex said." His parents agree and say that they see a noticable difference in their son and his grades.

Clearly, if you are open to it, hypnosis can show results right away.

What holds you back?

(NLP in Asia)

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