Monday, October 10, 2005

The mind reacts to shocks

There is the story of this 17 year old Singaporean girl in the newspaper today.

Heartbroken as she was after her boyfriend broke off with her she had sex with 60 strangers in the past eight months.

The newspaper writes that "the 17-year-old girl did it to get even with her boyfriend, after he met another girl online. The jilted teenager, too, found her men on the Net by posting her photos, personal particulars and the type of man she was looking for."

This clearly is a reaction of the mind to the shock of the breakup. No one should blame the girl, since mental counseling would be more beneficial. The sad part will be that she probably gets more scolding than counseling.

(NLP in Asia)


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. I was randomly clicking and saw your blog on this subject and it made me totally sad for this girl and scared for her as well...

Andreas said...

I agree with you. It is sad what happens in the world.