Monday, September 04, 2006

What Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) can do for you

Ask yourself:

Have you ever wondered, why some people are able to just create success as if it takes nothing to do it, while others hesitate, all the time? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be successful anytime, anywhere? Do you know that you have all the resources and strength inside of you, buried deep, deep down inside of you, and that all it takes is to find a way to rediscover your strength?Do you know that NLP is offering you just that? Offers you the Art and Science of Personal Excellence!

What is NLP:

N-L-P -? Huh?

Neuro refers to the nervous system/mind and how it processes information and codes it as memory inside our body, and neurology. By neuro we refer to experience as inputted, processed, and ordered by our neurological mechanisms and processes.

Linguistic indicates that the neural processes of the mind come coded, ordered, and given meaning through language, communication systems, and various symbolic systems (grammar, mathematics, music, icons).

Programming refers to our ability to organise our sensory-based information (sights, sounds, sensations, smells, tastes, and symbols or words) within our mind-body organism which then enables us to achieve our desired outcomes.

Huh? Huh? I still don't get it!

There is a way to define NLP easily and understandably:

  • NLP is the Art and Science of Personal Excellence
  • NLP is and Attitude and a Methodology leaving behind a Trail of Techniques
  • NLP provides a User Manual for the Brain

Better, but still!

With NLP, you can easily learn:

  • How excellent people do what they do
  • How you can model this behaviour and use it over and over again
  • How you can consistently get great results in every situation and whenever you need it
  • How to manage your thoughts

Adoh! Any example?

Sure there are - Whatever we do, we have a certain program running in our mind that uses the same way in coming to a conclusion, over and over again. Let’s call this internal program processing strategy, can we?

Do you know that every external behaviors is controlled by such internal processing strategies. All of them!

That means that we use strategies for love, strategies for hate, strategies for learning, strategies for math, parenting, sports, communication, sales, marketing, wealth, poverty, happiness, death, sex, eating, disease, creativity, relaxation, attention and fun. Really, there are strategies for everything (ah, these are some examples from Tad James).

You will identify those strategies when you become aware of your behaviour. How do you start your day, how you meet and approach new people, how you eat, how you communicate, what you do for fun .... Can you identify a certain repetition in certain task settings already?

It wasn’t always like this, so. There was a time, when we were free of these programs or strategies, a long, long time ago.We first develop a set of particular strategy when we are young. A

t an early age, perhaps you put a series of internal and external experiences together, and made (for example) a decision, probably subconscioulsy (sounds heavy, I know). Then, at some point when you knew it worked, you generalized the process that you used before in making the decision and said, either consciously or unconsciously, "OK, this is a good way to make a decision", and you then probably used it over and over and over again.

Let's say, for example, you made a picture in your mind and talked to yourself or someone else about it, until you had enough information, and that was how you made the decision. If that worked for you, then at some time you began to use it over and over again – you entrenched a strategy in your subconscious mind to achieve what you want to achieve (or avoid) in these situations.

Over time however, as situations change, some of the strategies might not work anymore to the extend they did earlier. Others simply handicap you nowadays in your development.

Have you ever thought of the command that we give little children: “Finish the food on your table?” Over and over again. Until it is deeply entrenched in our subconscious mind that we are no longer aware of it. Now – little children do lots of things – and burn the calories off very quickly.

But they also grow up and don’t run around that much anymore. Still the program in their mind is still running and running and running? This is happening!

Now, can you identify any program in your mind that is outdated?

Wouldn’t it be great if you find a way to update and eliminate your own limiting programs and may be others that you come across as well – just think anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt and doubt?

And, while we are at it – do you know that you can create your future – today? What will happen when you do this?

That is the easy part – you will become magnificent and tremendously successful.

How would it be for you, if you can:

  • Attract and have people like you, immediately
  • Speak your ideas in the client’s language – and become successful in client servicing• Influence others, without even opening your mouth?
  • Increase your sales and/ or income, by knowing, what’s your client’s or bosses internal strategy?
  • Suddenly find personal strengths and create positive feelings?
  • Generate new habits and behaviour to solve old problems and new challenges
  • Negotiate better contracts, close deals without buyers remorse• Become the leader you always wanted to be
  • Learn how to handle objections
  • Let go of negative emotions in an instant

Sure you can get this – if you are willing to change.

But then, change is everything anyway. And you don’t want to be left behind, right?

So send me an e-mail, now, if you are interested to know more. Write to Andreas at, will you?

(NLP in Asia)

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