Monday, September 25, 2006

The ecology of success

What a title. But how important is it for you to define your final outcome and when do you know you have reached success (didn't you know that there is more to success, always?). Have you put in place the write measurements? A SMART Goal? Steps to achieve your goal?

Very good. What will it be? More rewards, awards, more money, a better position, a more beautiful car, may be a new husband, boyfriend, wife and girl? Your own company? How great your goals are, really!

But one thing we as humans like to forget in the chase for success. Something that we in NLP call "ecology". So you defined your success - and hopefully it is what YOU decide is success, and not your boss, neighbour, the tax department!!

You have a clear plan forward - Grrreeeaaat.

So ask yourself:

What will happen when you are there? How will the world around you look like? Or, you personal surrounding? What has changed, after you have reached your goal?

Remember the movie "Click" that I wrote about? Adam Sandler reached his goals but destroyed everything around him. So when you have reached your goal, how does this then influence your family, your friends, your job, your competition, your city, country, the planet?

Think about it for a moment.

When George Bush Jr. announced the war on terrorism, he had good intentions, and the world was with him, initially. But look at the ecology now, and the effects and outcomes of his actions. Did he actually reflect on his actions, initially? While it is good to be focused on your outcomes, when you see that the results don't come in in the way you want them to be, or the ecology changes, you better change your strategy.

This is what George Bush Jr. doesn't do! He doesn't change his strategy, even so it is not working. The ecology around him collapses and clearly, there are more and more critics that doubt that he can reach his goals in the way he currently pursues them.

So, what about you? After spending 15 hours per day on the job, trying to build a better future for your family, secure the education of your child, how does your ecology look like? Inside of you - has stress build up, did you have a first heart attack, do your kids still remember you, and your wife loves you?

If you see that the ecology doesn't reflect positively on your success, stop for a while, look around you, and may be change strategy or your plans. Don't beat around the bush!

(NLP in Asia)

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