Monday, September 18, 2006

The Apprentice - is it possible to copy the Donald ?

I watched the first couple of seasons of The Apprentice pretty diligently always hoping to learn something - what I did.

I wonder if someone actually realises the similarities between the candidates that get hired. Energetic, robus, getting things done, standing up for themselves and straight to the point.

Now ask yourself - are these the characteristics that make up a winner? Or are these the characteristics that make up a winner for Donald Trump? Looking at the types of personalities that populate his organisation, it is clear that these are the ones that are liked by him, because that is how he is.

Nothing wrong with that because believe me, these are propbably the right candidates (even so I wonder, watching the series, if these are really the creme de la creme in the US? Some candidates are really below the level that I would consider suitable for a corporate life, but this is my perception, of course!!).

Now imagine the people who buy his books, looking for solutions in his approach to business. If they are similar to his personality - energetic, robust etc - well, they might learn something. If not and you are too different, you set yourself up for a new learning.

Because, while it is possible to model big Donald, and assume his personality, it takes a giant step for someone who has not mastered the art of modelling (something that NLP teaches you, by the way!).

The inner workings of a Donald are just too different from the one who picks up his book.

PS: I discovered (and I am probably not alone), that Donald Trump is not perfect. Lucky for the rest of us. I wanted to check his blog and the last entry visible is from May 29, 2006.

Interestingly, that entry talks about decision and procrastination. May be they just decide about the next perfect entry :) (Just Kidding, mah!)

(NLP in Asia)

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