There are 20 projects on your table, with 10 deadlines (only?) closing in fast, the phones are constantly ringing, preventing you from finding the time you so urgently need, your child is sick, your car broke down on the Federal Highway and your partner asks you to help you, your boss calls for a short meeting, your executives queue up outside your office.
Sounds familiar? In one way or another?
Then the feeling inside of you - creepy, crawly, coming out of its mousehole.
Wahhhhh - step back. Do something else. Real quick, because with THAT feeling, you will not get through the day and waste some more valuable time. Hey - remember, you had this before, it is possible to manage!
Helaine Iris is a Small Business Coach of Path of Purpose has written a piece about being overwhelmed (currently it looks as if the post has been moved) at Solostream.
She summarises it in a couple of interesting points (with some few comments from me):
- Start with a powerful shift of awareness or - being overwhelmed is only a feeling or state in your mind (I now sound like Stephen Covey :));
- Remember that the overwhelm is usually triggered by a perception - true or untrue, like: not enough time, money, resources, confidence;
- Recognize your personal symptoms of overwhelm - what happens to your mood when you are overwhelmed.
- Call a time out and admit that you are overwhelmed. Sometimes simply naming the obvious is all you need to stop the cycle. How true, isn' it?
- Prioritize. Easy to say, right, with all the work, but hey. You are doing it anyway. You have to start with one piece of work - and this is then probably the one you decided to be the most important one. Remember, you cannot work at many things at once! This is sometimes forgotten in this age of multi-tasking!
- Breathe life into your time management system. You only have 24 hours a day. If you have more, give me a call!
- Read your vision statement for your business. Or your personal vision. But find your purpose. When you are burried, you can forget your mission and purpose of your life and work
- Get back to basics - Stop what you’re doing and take ten deep, full breaths. Walk outside and notice five beautiful things around you. I love it as a tip.
- Get outside perspective. Being alone doesn't help much. Get a coach (my e-mail address is at the right upper side :))
- Imagine in full detail how you would rather feel. How would you be if you weren't overwhelmed?
I would add on - make your tasks manageable. Manage - able. The opposite of overwhelmed. Break all these tasks down into very small details and tasks. Initially, it really shows you how much there is that is to do. But then, it is easy to handle small, written down tasks, right?
Have fun!!
(NLP in Asia)
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executive coaching
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