(Meta programs are the mental filters in our mind. There are about 15 of those (e.g.; extenal versus internal orientation/ decision making abilities/ stress response/ toward to - away from etc - those will be taught in the Master Prac in detail. Some schools developed more than 50 meta-programs, but I ask myself - how much do you want to know about a person?).
The ability to chunk is crucial during the coaching or conversation process. We all remember situations when we became upset because someone was so detailed oriented, while we wanted to move on with the big picture, or someone didn't see the problems coming, because they were so engaged in the big picture.
In coaching, it is crucial to have the ability to move someone from the small details that hold them back to the bigger picture - what do you actually want - to help them gain new insights into their problem.
How good are you in following discussions? Have you ever been lost, don't know where the discussion headed?
The beauty is that once you master the skill, you never get lost in any conversation, and your brain is really trained up to move across many different levels.
Finding the middle ground
By Denise Rogers
Aug 31 2007
I'm a `chunk-down' kind of person. I need all the details. I was talking to one of my clients about this concept the other day. He's a `chunk-up' kind of person and he notices that he gets very frustrated when people start asking him about the details. He is focused on the big picture.
`Chunk up'/`chunk down' is one of the major sorting styles or META programs that is part of NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP), a set of skills that will enhance your communication and personally. META programs are a variety of fundamental interrelated behavioural patterns describing how people interact with the world at an unconscious level. Our META programs become established by age eight!
Have you ever noticed when some people are faced with a new experience they are quite eager; they move toward a risk while others tend to hold back and move away tending to be more cautious?
People that move toward use phrases such as, "Let's go for it." "I'm ready." "Sign me up."
People that move away use phrases such as, "We need to think this through." "I don't know if that will work."
Have you ever noticed some people agree with everything and try to fit in while others make it a point to disagree and be quite contrary? People who want to fit in are focused on trends or what is fashionable. Those who are contrary choose the unusual.
Have you ever noticed how some people are quite focused on timelines while others are more interested in the experience? When a meeting is called, one arrives at eight o'clock; the other arrives at `eight-ish.' Those who are focused on time use phrases such as, "Precisely." "Let's stay on schedule."
Those who are focused on the experience use phrases such as, "Soon." "I'll get there around noon."
Problems arise when we become polarized in our responses. You can see how frustrating it is to be a manager/owner who is cautious working with a subordinate who is a risk taker, or vice versa. They really need to be able to talk about what is happening for each of them and sort through the issues.
For example, if a person automatically goes to the details and refuses to talk about the big picture they can become less effective. Similarly, if someone is polarized on being (in time) they will create unnecessary stress for themselves and others in those situations where being on time is not required. An example might be attending a drop-in social event from 3-5 p.m. and needing to arrive exactly at three!
The key is to move to the middle ground between the two ends of the continuum. That is true maturity.
Read the full article here.
In our NLP Certified Practitioner Classes, we teach intensively how to use the ability to chunk up and down to be in alignment with the person you talk to.
Why not checking out our brochures and since you are ready for change, join us and others on the journey to success and self-management? Or call us at 012-287 50 48 for more information.
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1st Module Nov 15-18, 2007
2nd Module Nov 22-25, 2007
3rd Module Dec 1-2, 2007
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(by: Asia Mind Dynamics)
Nice information. I think nlp courses
are the best way to think positive. It can help in our self-help systems. We should have always have open mind about everything.
Thanks for such a great post! I am sure I will gain more knowledge from there.
Executive coaching Toronto
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