Thursday, August 30, 2007

NLP Certified Practitioner Training: Recommendations from participants

There are plenty of reasons to train with Asia Mind Dynamics, but what better than let the students talk!! Life on video taken after the last Certified NLP Practitioner Training.

Because, to become the best, you have to train with the best.

Rowena, who "lost" her phobia of cokcroaches in the training. What training is THAT where you lose a skill? Before the training, she was really good at her phobia, now .... gone!!

Subashini, who found her way in the training, and develop unbelievably positive goals. In addition, she lost her love for chicken and has stopped eating our feathered friends.

Suan Tin, a wonderful woman, with so much warmth and dedication to her family and company, came torn apart in conflicts and left the training strong, powerful and as someone who knows how to deal with confict.

Jonathan of JonQ. A great guy who experienced major breakthroughts in the training.

There were more trainees, but we only took videos of those four. I am more than happy to provide names and telephone numbers to those who are interested in speaking with these four or others. Because, well, Asia Mind Dynamics and I are proud of our students who are the best trained practitioners around!!

(related link: Asia Mind Dynamics)

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