Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Success story for NLP

How is that? I just found this entry from someone on the web:

The author wrote that she was a "recipient of an NLP intervention in early 2004. I used to live with constant depression, self-sabotage and chronic under-achievement. I had spent nearly 20 years working with different therapists, reading self-help books, and studying different psychological approaches to find a way to get myself healed and whole. It may sound surprising, but my intervention lasted all of 6 hours and I immediately became a different woman :: healed and whole.

That next week, I ended my ongoing therapist appointments. Within 3 months I moved into a new career making 500% more than before. And within 6 months I had learned enough about NLP on my own to start using the approach to ‘pay it forward’ and help others remove their own obstacles to success."

Hm - NLP works, right? What are you saying?

(Psst: When are you going to jumb onto NLP to accelerate your life? Asia Mind Dynamics is going to offer a NLP Practitioner course VERY soon - ready to rock and change your life?)

(NLP in Asia)

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