I believe that all of us have realised that when we look at people, they move their eyes, in all directions. It might look like it is a wild goose chase going on, but hey, when people move their eyes, they are actually doing something inside their head.
Now this has been a bit of a contentious topic over the years, with some groups saying that it is nonsense, and others, that it is a workable "technique". I think that if it works for you, it is fine, and if some believe it doesn't work, well, they will come around, sooner or later, okay?
Because, fact is, we all move our eyes.
Talk to people, ask them questions, and look at them, how they move their eyes - and you will see that they do!
Now, basically, there are six quadrants as you can see in the chart.
Vc - which stands for Visual Construct - people construct pictures in their head that they haven't seen before
Vr - which stands for Visual Recall or Remember - people access pictures from their memory,
Ac - which stands for Auditory Construct - people construct sounds, that they haven't heard before
Ar - which stands for Auditory Recall or Remember - people access sounds from their memory,
K - which stands for Kinesthetic - people access their feelings
Ad - which stands for Auditory digital or self-talk - people access information.
(Borrowed, with gratitude, from Renewal CA)
Now, listen - in many NLP books it is written that this is how you access your own different quadrants, but hey - I am teaching you that this is how it is when you are looking at the other person.
Because people access or construct information inside their head and it goes very, very fast. What they are doing is formulating their way of action - how do they do what they do. You want to know what is going on inside their head, not inside your own head, for that matter.
Not really.
You can use the information, on which quadrant people access to identify how they motivate themselves, how they make decision, and how they reassure themselves that they have made the right choice.
Wow, that is great, because, well, you now can look people into the eyes, and know what they want, how they want it and how they are assured of what they got.
Imagine, you can use this to build rapport with people, and serve them better. Because instead of being the pushy salesperson, who is coming from the wrong end of town, you simply know how to sell according to how people want their stuff. What customer orientation is that? What great sales strategy!
Just by looking into their eyes.
Now, wasn't there a movie, where oen actor was saying - "look into my eyes, baby"? Gives a whole new meaning.
These eye patterns elicitation is something I am going to teach in the NLP Certified Practitioner Course in January/ February 2007. I will provide much more detail, and we have a couple of great exercises around it, so that you are able to really use it in your day to day life. So why don't you join me?
Just send me a mail to NLP AT asiaminddynamics.com and we take it from there, okay?
Andreas (Asia Mind Dynamics)
(NLP in Asia)
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