Monday, August 21, 2006

Bowling and life strategies

You know that you can translate the way of bowling, or how you bowl into your life strategies - or, to go a step further, into your organisation.

There were guys and girls that played bowling excellently, but who face different challenges in their life. Challenges, may be such as being stuck in their current career. Not getting along and moving forward in life and profession. For whatever reasons, may be early school dropouts, or not completing school, or completing school but not to the highest level possible. The administrators, receptionists, or those that do clerical work. May be even those at a higher level but that got stuck there for a long time already and are too lazy to move out to a new job.

Many of them played bowling so extremely well. What drove them to succeed in bowling, or in any other sport activity, for that matter?

They focused on the pins and the balls. I could see it in their body posture, in the glimmer in their eyes. The way they rolled the ball. The celebration after the strike.

There are similarities that one can think of when you translate these successes into your life. Translation into your life means to really think of what you did during your successes and then do the same stuff in your other life - thus, focus on the process and not on the context in which you operate (heavy words, I know!).

Such as:

- Be focussed on what you want and plan it out in detail. From the last step, work your way backwards (I don't need to say, write it down and take it along with you, don't I?). So, where do you focus on? On the next break, the lunch ahead, the girl- or boyfriend waiting for you? Or, really, the task at hand?;

- How do you hold your body? Is it slumped forward, taking a position of a beaten person, or someone, who is upbeat in facing the challenges of life? (hey - that makes a difference to your mind, okay!!!!) - one tip. Look upwards

- What is going on inside of you? What do you say to yourself? Good things or bad things?;

- How do you frame what you do? Is it only a game, or do you want to get better? Do you excuse yourself when you didn't get the strike, or do you find out why you didn't make it? Do you change your way of doing things, when things don't go your way?

- What do you feel, see and hear, inside of you, in your head, stomach and heart, when you start doing something;

- How do you celebrate your successes? Do you celebrate the small successes and victories - I have a strike - or only on the last, final number? I tell you, it is great to celebrate the small steps, because small victories lead to success!! No success was won over night!!!!

Now, if you succeed in one area of your life that is great. All you have to do is to observe yourself and answer those questions - and then do the magic: Translate these answers of your success in one part to other parts of your life and you know what? You will start winning. May be not tomorrow, and not the day after. But with persistency, you will get better and get into the habit of winning in your life - the life outside of sport. How is that?

(NLP in Asia)

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