Saturday, October 15, 2005

Fasting - a second thought

I had an interesting conversation the other day with one HR manager about fasting, something I wrote about earlier. He had diabetes and was very overweight when he was younger but learnt to go without food for a long time.

In a discussion about Ramadan and the fasing of Muslims, he mentioned that it could be that the brain is trained to expect a certain period in a year where food only comes in in the evening. Interesting - could there be some truth in it? The first couple of days of fasting are tough, but then, through group pressure and awareness campaigns, people get used to the fasting again. Inside their brains, the neurons might lit up and get ready for a period without food.

In the evening, after the break of fast, the brain gets the signal that it can feast again. The urge for cigarettes, for food, for the usual "earthly pleasures" comes back.

Think about it!

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