"The Jelapang toll plaza has seen 142 accidents in 10 years with the latest on Dec 11 when eight people died and 14 were injured when the bus they were travelling in rammed into the back of a tanker." (NST)
I wondered, what could go wrong at such toll station. I woke up from a dream. Because, it surely is not the plaza that causes the accident. In fact, I haven't seen any toll station hitting out at drivers to make them have an accident.
Who is driving the car or the bus? Drivers are sitting behind the wheel - and boy, they drive fast. I am usually driving very careful, mostly around the speed limit. Which, to remind you (haha), is 110 KM/hour in Malaysia. And what happened was amazing - amazing in a negative sense of the word. Plenty of buses overtook me. That's right. And hey, they didn't crawl by my car so that I would have a good look inside their interior. Nope - they went fast. And when I say fast, I mean real fast. Chasing each other, at least sometimes. Around curves, and while the bus was leaning to the side, I imagined the bus driver hanging on to the wheel, pulling it down to beat gravity. I wondered how the passengers inside felt.
It is the behaviour of the driver that causes accidents. May be they believe to be Michael Schumacher, or they just want to act cool. May be their company is chasing them to speed up for delivery or additional tours. May be, may be, may be. To me, and I am sorry, these are excuses. Sometimes, I hear or read, that yes, the brakes didn't work. Hey - how come such car is on the road? Watching some of the lorries overtaking, even in normal traffic during rush hours, how close they come to other cars in front of them. Scarily close. If then something happens, they have no chance whatsoever, to stop the bus or the truck. It takes a damn long time for such tonnage to slow down. It is the drivers' behaviour, because ultimately, I believe in choice. They chose to speed, or to expose themselves to such jobs or behaviour or company or whatever. Would I punish them? It is not up to me to decide, and I don't believe in punishment, and rather prefer education.
Have you ever asked yourself what a driver feels after reading about a major accident? Or, to be even more drastic. Just watch and observe the reaction of "normal" drivers after they have passed one of the many accident sites. You know, one of these accidents, when everybody slows down and watches. Thinking, that lucky me, this was not me. And then, just after the crawl aside of the side, to step on the accelerator and speed off, chasing another dream.
So when the toll road has been removed, sometimes in 2008, there will be one excuse less for accidents. Will they stop? I wish, but then, do I believe in Santa Claus?
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1 comment:
The problem is not the problem, coping is the problem. Affordance and constraints of technology do play important role in road accidents. Have you ever push doors that are meant to be pull, pull doors that should be pushed, walk into doors that should be slid? There are principles that can be followed to make these things understandable and usable. Perhaps, drivers’ behavior could further improved by simplifying the understanding of road regulations. The Rules of the Road form part of visual semiotics which shows the duties, responsibilities and prohibitions imposed on all road users for compliance with the road traffic law.
Generally, the legal visual semiotics should be based on road signs, road markings and traffic lights, the purpose of which is to regulate the traffic. They should be clear, concise and straightforwardly understood by all citizens. As a consequence, the visual and iconographic codification must abide by the three following conditions:
(1) should remain sufficiently stable,
(2) it should be relatively simple to understand, and
(3) it should be a good substitute for written formulas, after taking into consideration into factors like
a. individual humans,
b. the interaction order with visual traffic encoding,
c. the implied discourse of road signage, and finally
d. place semiotics, i.e., the location in space and time of this sign equipment.
This implied the possibilities of a visual traffic road signs that can be assimilated by private individuals without the need for any sentence to explain their meaning, and so, to understand how absence nurtures presence, and how invisibility or the ‘‘unsaid’’ becomes decipherable.
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