Motivation- and Leadership Training
Ahhh - that's me!!
Explaining motivation
What actually is motivation?
Installing a State of Mind into neurology, so that you are always motivated, confident, energised, anything, whenever you need it.
This is so, so, so important and NLP teaches you that you can have any state you want, at the snap of a finger!
Award Ceremony
Goal Setting TrainingExplaining processes - there is nothing more important than explaining exercises or proccesses so that participants really "get the way of doing it". This means they will go out into the "real world" after the training and understand how to apply the learning straight away!
Embedding your goals into the neurology - a simple, fun but very empowering exercise
Visualising your goals - this exercise shows the power of the mind
Interested in an initial conversation with me, about coaching or training? Please send an e-mail to nlp AT or call me (Andreas) at 6-012-287 50 48.
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