"Just imagine that tonight while you are asleep there is a miracle and the problems that haunt you currently suddenly disappear. What would be the first thing you noticed that would let you know the miracle had happened?"
And, following:
"Following the miracle that happened over night, what would you do differently in your life?"
"Imagine, you could not fail, that there is no failure in your endeavour. What would you do, how would you act?"
Think it through and then, think through what holds you back from acting as if there were no problems. Because, remember, problems are mostly created in our mind. When you look back in your life, how many times did insurmountable simply disappear because ... you just did what you needed to do.
To think "As If" also helps to stimulate your own creativity as it stimulates the neurology in your brain. Think about it!
NLP in Asia
neuro linguistic programming
business coaching
personal effectiveness
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