Imagine, for just a moment, you get back the result of a product test and the satisfaction of the consumer ranges 7 out of 10. Or, in an employee opionion survey, the satisfaction of the executive is 5 out of 10.
This is a clear indication of something amiss. It is not perfect, may be not even close.
Let's say I am coaching a client in his or her preparation for an interview with a candidate. We are working on developing their skills. Or in a more neurological intervention, I am coaching a client to take on a new behaviour.
Sure, sometimes things work out immediately, and the intervention is an immediate success. Sometimes, it takes a staggered approach and more than one intervention.
In between I am asking the client where on a scale his change indicator is. I might ask "on a scale from one to ten, with 10 being the old behavior totally gone and you have now totally changed and assumed the new behaviour, where are you?" While the question looks innocent, there is a lot going on in this question. With a lot of different embedded suggestions - see the underlned words!
Whatever the client gives me, anything below a ten, I would ask "what do you need to do now, in order to reach a ten now!?" Again, see the underlined words with some embedded commands!
What this requires the client to do is to go inside and imagine what they need to do. They give me the answer. Whatever comes out now, I might ask them to just do that. Or imagine doing this. Visualising with all their different representational systems - what do people say to them, what will they hear, what will they see or feel, after they managed to change their behaviour.
Powerful, I tell you!
Now, for you, who is reading this, you can use this as well.
When you are a parent and you want your child to get better grades in school. Ask the child to scale his or her current results, and then ask, what he or she would need to do to get a higher grade?
Or, if you are a business developer and the client is not yet convinced that your product or service is the best - ask the question.
Or you are suppose to present something - where on the scale are you? And then ask yourself, what you need to do to reach the famous 10!
Or, you are an employer, a lover, a company advertising, a politicean who hasn't managed to convinced the masses of his or her message ... please fill in the blanks!
Ha! Let me play a bit, can I?
What do you need to know (may be from us?) that we in Asia Mind Dynamics are the company you need to work with to succeed? Or to know that we help you create the experience in our NLP trainings that you want to join us now!
Isn't this wonderful All these questions?
(By Asia Mind Dynamics)
Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses on:
1.) The NLP Certified Practitioner and Time Line Therapy (TM) Course
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Fifth course in 2008: November 13-16, November 21-23 and November 28-30 2008
Prices are staggered according to time of sign-ups. The earlier you sign up, the better it gets!!
So call now: 012- 3276 048 Alternatively, send a mail to najwadorn AT
"Words that Change Minds" - The Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) Training - Persuasion and Influencing Skills
6 days Internationally Certified “WORDS THAT CHANGE MINDS” Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) Master Practitioner Course
Learn the Language of Influence now.
Third course in 2008: October 31 - November 2 2008 and November 7-9 2008
Just Imagine:
You are able to notice and respond to how people and groups get motivated, process information and make decisions. You get to know them better than they do themselves. In 8 minutes or less!!!
And you do this my just listening to the words they say – and then influence them with the right responses and the right words.
Simply irresistible – Imagine the possibilities!!
Join now and call us now. Asia Mind Dynamics is the only company trained in the Words That Change Minds - The Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) training course.
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The "Words That Change Minds” Language and Behaviour (LAB Profile) Practitioner Course
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The "Words That Change Minds” Language and Behaviour (LAB Profile) Practitioner Course
Call 012 - 3276 048 now to book your seat early.
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Why don't you check out this link now, and see, how else we can help you?
Or, if you are interested in a conversation about coaching for whatever reason, give yourself a little pad on the shoulder. Because we are right here for you.
Call Andreas now at 6-012 - 287 5048 for a private and confidential meeting.
Comments from participants: “Andreas has the enthusiasm for his subject that explodes into your subconscious mind and really makes NLP real for me. I recommend this training for everyone who already thinks that they are great – because they will realise just how much better they will be.”
Remove your fears, create success and become the magnificent being that you desire to be, and deserve to become.
Price is staggered, dependent on your time of registration - so in order to get the best offer, better register VERY early!!
Be aware that you change, once you embark on your NLP Course. You look at the world differently, and at your own habits.
You start to understand the reasons behind certain actions of yours and those around you. You start to live more consciously and purposefully. You gain greater understanding and create the life you desire.
There is hardly any participant who hasn't changed with NLP and we at Asia Mind Dynamics support you wholeheartly in the whole process and beyond. For us, there is nothing more beautiful than to experience the transformation of participants into magnificent beings.
Join us NOW or call at 012- 3276 048 for more information.