However, there are some people that take the message of not to think any negative thoughts to serious and even condemn realistic assessments as too negative. Now, I believe that reality is what we make out of it. Each and every one has his or her own interpretation of events. This interpretation ultimately forms their experience and how they experience their life - it creates their "model of the world".
Now there are situations that need to be evaluated. Look at the global recession, for example. I mentioned earlier that there is a need to change the things we are doing. May be more, may be less. Up to you. But I met people who really freak out the moment you mention the word crisis. Like it is the pest or something similar. Like the don't want to touch it at all. It is too negative. If you mention the word, there is the danger that energy is put inside and then it will hit us.
In similar fashion, when we talk to clients about goal setting and budget developments. We set an achievable goal, and don't I dare to say it, there is this voice in the back saying - 'when we put this number on the board, won't we limit us? Shouldn't we avoid mentioning numbers, because they are holding us back? Won't the universe give us more, if we really, really really use outrageously high numbers?' When I say may be we should shoot for the stars to reach the moon - oh no, another limitation!!
I believe, no, I know we create our own reality. What we have inside of us, and how we personally evaluate events will ultimately determine the quality of our life. We can achieve a lot when we learn how to reframe certain events. Negative ones especially. Some people spiral into negative thoughts and are somewhat addicted to it. For them it is good to realise that this strengthens a negative condition in the mind. It is good for them to learn how to manage their thoughts.
But when I am able to manage my thoughts - positive and negative ones - this also means that my quality of my life, to me gets better. This means that I am ready with scenarios and ideas on how to tackle challenges. Not ignoring challenges. Because, isn't ignoring challenges equivalent to running away? Like an ostrich putting his head into the sand, hoping, that he won't be seen?
As mentioned, I like the way of how the secret opened the mind of many. It helped millions of people become aware of their thoughts. But there is more to it, way more. So, let me invite you not to stop at the secret, but move beyond. Use it as a beginning point to design your life. To manage your thoughts. To explore new ways of thinking. Enjoy the fruits of success. But then, start also to manage the stuff that life also throws at you. The challenges. The hard pieces. The limitations. Reframe them. Shed new lights at them. Why are they thrown at you? What is the learning? How can you tackle a similar challenge the next time around. What is the purpose, for you, in experiencing something like this. Just some beginning questions. Something to think about! Or, may be I am just too negative?
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