A new study by Leadership IQ reveals frightening data, at least for the US.
"Only 20% of people strongly trust the top management of their organization. 36% moderately trust their top management, while the remaining 44% range from not trusting to strongly distrusting their top management."
"The study further discovered that people were more trusting of their direct boss than top management. 34% of people strongly trust their direct boss. 35% moderately trust their direct boss, while the remaining 31% range from not trusting to strongly distrusting their direct boss."
"An employee’s longevity with a company directly correlates with how much they trust their management. The results of the survey show that trust significantly predicts employee loyalty. Approximately 32% of a worker’s desire to stay or go is the result of feeling or not feeling trust towards their boss."
So the questions are:
For leaders:
- Does it matter if your employees trust you?
- How do you usually behave to gain trust?
- What can you do more of or less of to gain trust?
For employees:
- What does a boss need to do to gain your trust?
- How does lack of trust relate to your productivity?
- Would you perform better if you could trust your boss?
- What would your boss need to do in order to gain your trust?
- How often does your boss need to demonstrate this behaviour before you trust him or her again?
- Is the trust related to the company, to the products or services provided or to the individual at the top?
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