Suddenly, I heart the scolding voice of a mother, as she stormed around the corner with her daughter. The daughter, about 10 years old, cried heavily. The mother's face grimaced in anger.
And then she said to the daughter: "You know, I sacrified my life for you. Now you go into that building and.... " I couldn't hear the rest.
But I was shocked. Because when a child is still at that age, they are still accepting all that will be told by their parents, and relatives, and those in the nearer and closer surrounding. Even Television.
I believe that this was not the first time the daughter has heard this, or, at least, it won't be the last time either. The result of this will be a child that grows up damaged, inside her unconscious mind, full of guilt. May be always looking and searching to serve the mother. To make up to the mother, to be the good daughter.
I hope I am exaggerating. But I fear I am not. Beliefs are installed very fast and can operate forever.
Please, I know the mother meant well, but really, watch your language, just like you want your children to watch their language. Please remember, all children try their best to be good and act according to whatever resources they have. Their is hardly ever a child which wants to grow up and be bad!!!
(NLP in Asia)
(Asia Mind Dynamics)