Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Where to go now, Spiderman?

He did it again. 10 years after his first attempt, French “Spiderman” Alain Robert climbed the Petronas Tower again, without robe and only using his hands and feet. He reached the 58th floor before police coaxed him out of his pursue.

Imagine the wind. Imagine the height. Imagine how it would be like to be up there and see the world so small below you.

This is fantastic - now imagine what kind of feelings, pictures or sounds went through his head while he climbed up. Probably total confidence, absolute trust in his ability and forward looking to the top of the tower.

Surely not - oh God, what do I do up here, careful that I don't fall, this is dangerous.

What you do in your mind and body when you set out to do something is what we in NLP call a positive internal representation (argh, what words!!!). An Internal Representation is about the things inside your head when you go about to do something. The question, always, is, what are you saying to yourself, and what is happening in your body!!

Be it the presentation that you fear or that you anticipate or that cold call that you postpone or just do it due to the fast beating of your heart or the confidence that you have.

Anything you do!!! Really.

n_01spiderman.jpg Now imagine this spiderman and the first few steps that he takes. He is standing at the bottom of the tower, probably looking up. People around him might not notice him, but they will soon. Then Alain sets off and quickly reaches the first floor. What are people on the street going to say? Come down, or hey, man, that is cool!!! What happens to the people inside the office that see him hanging outside? Fear or anticipation or excitement?

Off, off he goes and fast he is. Real fast. And attracts attention.

So, ask yourself, what is going on in your head when you start out doing something? And remember, every time, you do this, and even if you feel uncomfortable the first time around, it stretches your belief system and the neurology!

What we teach in our NLP Certified Practitioner courses intensively, and also in our 2-day introductionary course this weekend is to how to manage your feelings. How to always be in a state that empowers you because it is the fear inside of you that is crippling you.

Just imagine what you can do if you just know ways to overcome this fear and become the magnificent person that you dream of being? You can be it, so very easily, really!!!!!!!, when you just realise your potential!


New workshop and training courses are starting. Download the brochure about the different courses now. And register online already to secure your seat!

Those who participate in my training benefit A LOT, and I don't want to sound too shy here :)

Michael H
General Manager, of a global Market Research Company
“Andreas has the enthusiasm for his subject that explodes into your subconscious mind and really makes NLP real for me. I recommend this training for everyone who already thinks that they are great – because they will realise just how much better they will be.”
Nora A. H.,
“Your passion and drive is extremely powerful and empowering. I enjoyed the classes.”

So come on board, now!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

First impressions count

It is so, so, so very important to make a great, no, let me rephrase this - an outrageously great impression with whatever you do.

Impressions count.

When the customer calls your company, how well prepared are your people to make a good impression? Is the receptionist trained up well enough? Does she or he know how to build rapport over the phone on an instant? What if the receptionist is not around? And someone else picks up the phone, someone, who is not that used to customer contact but happens to be, well, just there? How prepared is this executive?

When the customer buys your product, how well trained are the salespeople? Okay, sure, the normal retailer might not be part of your value chain, and is not on your salary list. But wait a minute!!! What if the salesperson has no clue about your product but happens to know the product of your competitor? Because, just may be, the competitor paid a visit to the shop, and explained the product in one free session? Well, while the customer was looking for your product, the salesperson rather explains your competitor's product, that he knows so well.

How easy is your product to handle? How is the feeling of the product? is it easy to set up, or is it absolutely necessary to read the manual for hours and hours to just get the basics right on the buyer's premises? And, by the way - how well written is the manual? Full of mistakes? Forget about the grammar, that might be fine, because not everybody's first language is English (even so you could hire a proofreader!). But what about the spelling mistakes? Or, are the instructions easy to follow and understandable? Are there pictures leading visually inclined people through the setup?

How willing is your customer service to visit the customer's premises to give a hand with the installation? Has your company prepared them to assist a customer even after office hours? Do you have a hotline?

Oh - and by the way - how prepared are you, outside your office? Do you talk positively about your company? Are you a brand agent? What would a customer think when he meets you, by chance, in the supermarket or the mall?

Be aware that pitfalls for your company are all around. Today you need to serve many different kinds of customers who all look differently at your product. While segmenting your marketplace and your communication is one way to address different needs, in the time of the Internet, you also want to develop approaches for a 1 to 1 marketing. And, just to make sure - address customers in the way they want to be addressed. Not in the way that is convenient for you.

New courses are starting soon. Download the brochure outlining the different courses now.

Those who participate in my training benefit A LOT, and I don't want to sound too shy here :)

Michael H
General Manager, of a global Market Research Company

“Andreas has the enthusiasm for his subject that explodes into your subconscious mind and really makes NLP real for me. I recommend this training for everyone who already thinks that they are great – because they will realise just how much better they will be.”

Nora A. H.,

“Your passion and drive is extremely powerful and empowering. I enjoyed the classes.”

So come on board, now!

(Asia Mind Dynamics)
(NLP in Asia)

Monday, March 05, 2007

Types of people

There are only three types of people. Seriously.

Those that are interested in meeting others to just widen their horizon and to grab the chance to learn something new - in any situation. They are the ones that search for value in any encounter, and question their beliefs. At least, when I meet them and they really are not interested in what I am saying, they say so. Honestly. Even in Asia, where sometimes, vague commitments or concessions are the rule.

Those that might say 'yeah, let's meet' but then never show the interest in following through. They don't respond to emails, calls or text messages. Their secretary or personal assistant excuses them - ' he went out for lunch', 'for an appointment' or, the favourite, is in a meeting. I love those. Sometimes, I ask how long the meeting will last and call again, on the dot. Embarrassment is audible, hehe!! The worse case are those that set up an appointment but then don't show up. Call 5 minutes before the meeting actually starts.

The third group are the fence sitters that never get anything done. They are interested, they meet, they talk, but then, cannot decide. Favourite saying? 'We call you when we are ready', 'we call you in a couple of days/ weeks', or, the favourite 'can you call again in 3 weeks time?', often hoping, that I won't call. There was a time, when I wrote down when to call and called, exactly after 3 weeks, or 2 days. Nowadays, I hardly care.

I prefer to work with the first group. They are ready for change, see value and want to accelerate. The other groups will come around, sooner or later. But it is like change everywhere, and willing to move - sometimes it is too late, and the train or the opportunity has gone - passed!!

New training courses are starting soon. Download the brochure about the different courses now.

Those who participate in my training benefit A LOT, and I don't want to sound too shy here :)

Michael H
General Manager, of a global Market Research Company
“Andreas has the enthusiasm for his subject that explodes into your subconscious mind and really makes NLP real for me. I recommend this training for everyone who already thinks that they are great – because they will realise just how much better they will be.”

Nora A. H.,
“Your passion and drive is extremely powerful and empowering. I enjoyed the classes.”

So come on board, now

Malaysia's getting obese - government plans fastfood ad ban

The numbers scream at you - the rate of obesity in Malaysia increased from around 20% to 40% in just one decade. A huge jumb, if the numbers can be trusted (hm - I still see so many slim Malaysians, how?).

The great part in Malaysia is that the food is really, really, one of the best in the world. Heck, I miss the rice (nasi) and curry, when I am in Germany. The beauty of the food is that often, different types of dishes are mixed. Like, German food Malaysianised. Get the picture?
I would actually say that if there is one major trait that combines all Malaysia, it is the food culture.

Now, the government is planning to ban ads advertising fastfood, or impose a sin tax on fast food. Now, how do you define fast food, is my first question?
Then, what about other food that is also contributing to obesity, such as Teh Tarik, or Nasi Lemak? (these are Malaysian drinks and Malaysian dishes).

Isn't it the culture that supports the food intake? Look at any of the Malaysian festivals, such as Hari Raya or Chinese New Year? House-to-house visits are common and encouraged - and what happens then is that visitors are offered food. It is not necessarily polite to say no to the offer.
I don't believe an ad ban will work.

In fact I believe it is a case of misplace responsibility. Look - isn't it the responsibility of the individual to take care of their food intake? Execise regularly? Eat vegetables and do something that contributes to healthy lifesyle?

What do you think? Do you think you live health-conscious? Do you see it as your responsibility or do you think it is the government, who has to take care of this?

In the end, it all boils down, as well, how you do what you do in your mind, really. And we teach you this in the NLP Practitioner course that is coming soon again. Read up on it in the brochure, okay and sign up for the courses now?
New courses are starting soon. Check out our Course Brochure now.

Those who participate in my training benefit A LOT, and I don't want to sound too shy here :)
Michael H, General Manager, of a global Market Research Company
“Andreas has the enthusiasm for his subject that explodes into your subconscious mind and really makes NLP real for me. I recommend this training for everyone who already thinks that they are great – because they will realise just how much better they will be.”

Nora A. H., Counselor
“Your passion and drive is extremely powerful and empowering. I enjoyed the classes.”

So come on board, now!

(NLP in Asia)
(Asia Mind Dynamics)

Friday, March 02, 2007

Preparing training modules and thinking about leadership

This is serious fun.

Yesterday, I drafted the rough outline of my "The Secret of Excellence in Leadership" Training workshop. It will be the first workshop in Malaysia that combines Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP with the ingredients of leadership.

Of course, a lot of work went into it already, through reading of various books and really getting deep down into the material - creating the knowledge, so to speak.

Now, I am sitting here, in my study at home, still flipping through various book (many, many books!!). Picking a line here, and there, and putting it into the presentation.

This is serious fun, because, well, I can build in the jokes, and the serious material.

The exercises, the worksheets, the material that will go into the manual.

Serious fun, and that is what it is al about.

I am reading a lot of books on leadership. Be it John Maxwell, or Kouzes and Posner or Steven Covey, or Jack Welsh and Donald Trump or the work and studies from management consulting firms, such as Hewitt Associates, my former "home".

I learn, and also realise that leadership is different - whoever describes it.

Well, this is nothing really new - but nevertheless an interesting fact. I imagine, in my mind, the CEO of an organisation, or the aspiring executive who wants to be a leader one day. They might be totally different in their thinking and behaving, in the values and beliefs, from a Donald Trump or a Jack Welsh, or a Ghosn, for that matter.

They slender through the bookshops, and pick up those books. May be they buy it, may be not. Whatever. But what if they do it, and they "try" (is there ever a try?) to implement it in their organisation or respective department.

Enthusiastically, they start the journey, but will they succeed? I am not so sure, honestly. These books are good, the studies are well done, but we are all different, are we not? And more of it - our organisations are different, our employees with whom we cooperate are different.

What really will happen if you come back and implement a management style a la Donald Trump or Jack Welsh. Can you imagine that? What do you think?


New courses are starting soon Download the brochure the different courses now.

Those who participate in my training benefit A LOT, and I don't want to sound too shy here :)

Michael H
General Manager, of a global Market Research Company
“Andreas has the enthusiasm for his subject that explodes into your subconscious mind and really makes NLP real for me. I recommend this training for everyone who already thinks that they are great – because they will realise just how much better they will be.”
Nora A. H.,
“Your passion and drive is extremely powerful and empowering. I enjoyed the classes.”

So come on board, now!
(Asia Mind Dynamics)

(NLP in Asia)