We all want to succeed.
But we, in Asia Mind Dynamics, know, that the participation in a Neuro Linguistic Programming and a Time Line Therapy(TM) Training is intense and sometimes exhausting. The days are long but then, the changes are dramatic. What seemed once hard to achieve suddenly becomes achievable. We have seen it over and over again. let me give you some headlines.
In our NLP Trainings in Malaysia, we have assisted people in manifesting their goals:
- A person dreamed of becoming a Datin and reached her goals. Moreover, she is now one of Malaysia's Top Women;
- A former student who did not think much of himself turned out to become a serial entrepreneur and will soon cooperate with us
- A dissatisfied employee dreamed of becoming a millionaire, set the foundation for it in our training and now has reached her goal
- A company that sent about 15 senior managers to our training over a period of time managed to half their employee turnover - imagine the amount of money saved!
- A aspiring author did not know how to continue as his publisher sat on the draft for too long. He visualised and embedded his goals into the unconscious mind and can now be found on the top-selling list in MPH
The list is not complete, but we have realised that NLP Training is not just about becoming more confident and feeling better about yourself. We have learned that it is possible to show you the pathway and door to success.
How did it happen?
Over the years that we operate as one of the NLP Training companies in Malaysia, we have had the chance to put together a training manual and process that clearly is distinguished and targeted to assisting you. Sure, it might look similar to other training companies in the market, but it is the way we present it and the additional stuff that comes aside during the training, that somehow allows you to go from limitation to success in just a few days.
Well, we experienced practitioners that had their first breakthrough just a few hours into the training. And we break our own records.
Interested in knowing more?
Call us up at 6-012-32 76 048 (Najwa) or 012 - 287 5048 (Andreas). Or check out our website at Asia Mind Dynamics
Public Programmes: Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses in NLP for those interested to become NLP Practitioners, NLP Coaches, Hypnotists or those that intend to gain a better position in the crisis or want to simply improve their influence and communication skills
For more information, follow these links:
To learn about Asia Mind Dynamics: About Asia Mind Dynamics
To learn about the Certified NLP Practitioner and Certified Timeline Therapy™ Techniques Training, click here.
To learn more about our Advanced Coaching Programme, click here
To learn more about the Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) - Words That Change Minds Certification, click here
To register for any of these courses, click here.
To learn more about Asia Mind Dynamics, click here
For companies, interested to know more about in-houses courses, click here.
Alternatively, send an email to andreas.dorn AT gmail.com or najwadorn AT yahoo.com or call 012-287 5048 (Andreas) or Najwa (012-3276 048) for a discussion about your needs and requirements.
See you soon!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The Value of Time
Have you realised that time has a value to each and every one of us? And no, it is not about being late to a meeting but how we express time in the words we use and the meaning we give.
Let me give you an example.
"We are wasting time".
"Be on time".
"We lost time".
"Let's hurry up".
"We are hard-pressed for time."
"Can we finish on time."
"I have another meeting lined up."
"We are running out of time."
All these are expressions of how we code time in our neurology. The value we give time in our life. Is time a resource, a thing, something to treasure, something to waste and so on.
In NLP or Timeline Therapy(TM), we say that people can be "in-time" or "through time".
People that code time as "in-time" oftentimes have the future in front of them and the past is seen as something behind. The timeline from past to future and present, when connected, touches the body. For "Through Time People", the timeline does not touch the body.
The way they code time expresses itself in their behaviour. It is said that Through Time People are more punctual, while In-Time People live in the moment and can forget time and appointments. This is a general rule, of course, and society, environment, education and experience can impress a different behaviour. In addition, our behaviour changes according to the context in which we operate, and thank goodness for this.
Still, it is an interesting topic to think about and to reflect on how we code and express the need for time in our life.
So, how do you code or express time in your life?
Public Programmes: Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses for those interested to become NLP Practitioners, NLP Coaches, Hypnotists or those that intend to gain a better position in the crisis or want to simply improve their influence and communication skills
For more information, follow these links:
To learn about Asia Mind Dynamics: Click this link to Asia Mind Dynamics
To learn about the Certified NLP Practitioner and Certified Timeline Therapy™ Techniques Training, click here.
To learn more about our Advanced Coaching Programme, click here
To learn more about the Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) - Words That Change Minds Certification, click here
To register for any of these courses, click here.
To learn more about Asia Mind Dynamics, click here
Let me give you an example.
"We are wasting time".
"Be on time".
"We lost time".
"Let's hurry up".
"We are hard-pressed for time."
"Can we finish on time."
"I have another meeting lined up."
"We are running out of time."
All these are expressions of how we code time in our neurology. The value we give time in our life. Is time a resource, a thing, something to treasure, something to waste and so on.
In NLP or Timeline Therapy(TM), we say that people can be "in-time" or "through time".
People that code time as "in-time" oftentimes have the future in front of them and the past is seen as something behind. The timeline from past to future and present, when connected, touches the body. For "Through Time People", the timeline does not touch the body.
The way they code time expresses itself in their behaviour. It is said that Through Time People are more punctual, while In-Time People live in the moment and can forget time and appointments. This is a general rule, of course, and society, environment, education and experience can impress a different behaviour. In addition, our behaviour changes according to the context in which we operate, and thank goodness for this.
Still, it is an interesting topic to think about and to reflect on how we code and express the need for time in our life.
So, how do you code or express time in your life?
Public Programmes: Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses for those interested to become NLP Practitioners, NLP Coaches, Hypnotists or those that intend to gain a better position in the crisis or want to simply improve their influence and communication skills
For more information, follow these links:
To learn about Asia Mind Dynamics: Click this link to Asia Mind Dynamics
To learn about the Certified NLP Practitioner and Certified Timeline Therapy™ Techniques Training, click here.
To learn more about our Advanced Coaching Programme, click here
To learn more about the Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) - Words That Change Minds Certification, click here
To register for any of these courses, click here.
To learn more about Asia Mind Dynamics, click here
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Time in our life
Have you realised that time has a value to each and every one of us? And no, it is not about being late to a meeting but how we express time in the words we use and the meaning we give.
Let me give you an example.
"We are wasting time".
"Be on time".
"We lost time".
"Let's hurry up".
"We are hard-pressed for time."
"Can we finish on time."
"I have another meeting lined up."
"We are running out of time."
All these are expressions of how we code time in our neurology. The value we give time in our life. Is time a resource, a thing, something to treasure, something to waste and so on.
In NLP or Timeline Therapy(TM), we say that people can be "in-time" or "through time".
People that code time as "in-time" oftentimes have the future in front of them and the past is seen as something behind. The timeline from past to future and present, when connected, touches the body. For "Through Time People", the timeline does not touch the body.
The way they code time expresses itself in their behaviour. It is said that Through Time People are more punctual, while In-Time People live in the moment and can forget time and appointments. This is a general rule, of course, and society, environment, education and experience can impress a different behaviour. In addition, our behaviour changes according to the context in which we operate, and thank goodness for this.
Still, it is an interesting topic to think about and to reflect on how we code and express the need for time in our life.
So, how do you code or express time in your life?
Public Programmes: Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses for those interested to become NLP Practitioners, NLP Coaches, Hypnotists or those that intend to gain a better position in the crisis or want to simply improve their influence and communication skills
For more information, follow these links:
To learn about Asia Mind Dynamics: About Asia Mind Dynamics
To learn about the Certified NLP Practitioner and Certified Timeline Therapy™ Techniques Training, click here.
To learn more about our Advanced Coaching Programme, click here
To learn more about the Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) - Words That Change Minds Certification, click here
To register for any of these courses, click here.
To learn more about Asia Mind Dynamics, click here
Let me give you an example.
"We are wasting time".
"Be on time".
"We lost time".
"Let's hurry up".
"We are hard-pressed for time."
"Can we finish on time."
"I have another meeting lined up."
"We are running out of time."
All these are expressions of how we code time in our neurology. The value we give time in our life. Is time a resource, a thing, something to treasure, something to waste and so on.
In NLP or Timeline Therapy(TM), we say that people can be "in-time" or "through time".
People that code time as "in-time" oftentimes have the future in front of them and the past is seen as something behind. The timeline from past to future and present, when connected, touches the body. For "Through Time People", the timeline does not touch the body.
The way they code time expresses itself in their behaviour. It is said that Through Time People are more punctual, while In-Time People live in the moment and can forget time and appointments. This is a general rule, of course, and society, environment, education and experience can impress a different behaviour. In addition, our behaviour changes according to the context in which we operate, and thank goodness for this.
Still, it is an interesting topic to think about and to reflect on how we code and express the need for time in our life.
So, how do you code or express time in your life?
Public Programmes: Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses for those interested to become NLP Practitioners, NLP Coaches, Hypnotists or those that intend to gain a better position in the crisis or want to simply improve their influence and communication skills
For more information, follow these links:
To learn about Asia Mind Dynamics: About Asia Mind Dynamics
To learn about the Certified NLP Practitioner and Certified Timeline Therapy™ Techniques Training, click here.
To learn more about our Advanced Coaching Programme, click here
To learn more about the Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) - Words That Change Minds Certification, click here
To register for any of these courses, click here.
To learn more about Asia Mind Dynamics, click here
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Susan Boyle and her Lessons for Leadership
Have you heard of Susan Boyle? May be not but her story is worthwhile relating as there is an interesting leadership lesson in her rise to become a star.

She was the singing sensation on a British television talent contest. When she first appeared on the show, you could see the audience cringe. The judges, amongst them Simon Cowell, known also from American Idol, rolled their eyes.
Then, when she started to sing, everybody gasped and was amazed about the beauty of her voice.
When I saw her video on YouTube (her song was downloaded 200 million times), I was also blasted away as well. I started to wonder, why it took so long for her to come out.
There is a leadership lesson here.
Do you know the talents around you? How many talents are hidden in organisations and not discovered? May be they gave up a while ago, may be they were never really challenged or may be they were pushed aside one time too many.
How many talents are not discovered for whatever reasons. How many could contribute to your company, to society, or even to friends around them, but they believe that they are not worthwhile doing this.
But the story about Susan Boyle is not yet finished.
In the finals of the show, she was the favourite. But her behaviour became erratic already a week before the final show. She cracked during the finals and became the runner-up. Disappointment was written all over her face.
Next thing I heard, she was in the hospital. Due to mental and emotional exhaustion.
Isn't this another leadership lesson?
How many times do we promote or hire people who are not ready to take on bigger roles and more responsibilities. They have been trained in all the technicalities. Delegation skills, time management, may be even a short course on Emotional Intelligence. All nice and well because it is necessary. But then, who took care of the mindset involved. Getting a promotion and becoming a leader is a big step, don't you agree? It takes a totally different mindset to manage a different set of challenges.
Many newly appointed leaders crack, just like Susan Boyle. Some who have been promoted show sudden lack of confidence, low self-esteem, uncertainty, fear, and what not. In their head they have one mantra: "Who am I to be here?" "Do I really deserve this?" "What will happen if they find out that I am not that clever as it seems?"
These negative thoughts keep running and running and then, they become the self-fulfilling prophecy. Another leader, so promising before, that fails.
It seems so hard to identify these issues earlier.
In my NLP Trainings, many participants initially come with lack of confidence, or low self esteem. In my coaching sessions, there are many that are desperately trying to cope, running agains the wall, over and over again.
This is the lesson that Susan Boyle teaches us. We need to look out for the talents in our organisation. Those that are quietly doing their thing. Those that are on the way to give out. Those that are disengaged.
There is a need to support those that are going to get promoted.
Public Programmes: Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses for those interested to become NLP Practitioners, NLP Coaches, Hypnotists or those that intend to gain a better position in the crisis or want to simply improve their influence and communication skills
For more information, follow these links:
To learn Certified NLP Practitioner and Certified Timeline Therapy™ Techniques Training, click here.
To learn more about our Advanced Coaching Programme, click here
To learn more about the Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) - Words That Change Minds Certification, click here
To register for any of these courses, click here.
To learn more about Asia Mind Dynamics, click here
For companies, interested to know more about in-houses courses, click here.
Alternatively, send an email to andreas.dorn AT gmail.com or najwadorn AT yahoo.com or call 012-287 5048 (Andreas) or Najwa (012-3276 048) for a discussion about your needs and requirements.
See you soon!
She was the singing sensation on a British television talent contest. When she first appeared on the show, you could see the audience cringe. The judges, amongst them Simon Cowell, known also from American Idol, rolled their eyes.
Then, when she started to sing, everybody gasped and was amazed about the beauty of her voice.
When I saw her video on YouTube (her song was downloaded 200 million times), I was also blasted away as well. I started to wonder, why it took so long for her to come out.
There is a leadership lesson here.
Do you know the talents around you? How many talents are hidden in organisations and not discovered? May be they gave up a while ago, may be they were never really challenged or may be they were pushed aside one time too many.
How many talents are not discovered for whatever reasons. How many could contribute to your company, to society, or even to friends around them, but they believe that they are not worthwhile doing this.
But the story about Susan Boyle is not yet finished.
In the finals of the show, she was the favourite. But her behaviour became erratic already a week before the final show. She cracked during the finals and became the runner-up. Disappointment was written all over her face.
Next thing I heard, she was in the hospital. Due to mental and emotional exhaustion.
Isn't this another leadership lesson?
How many times do we promote or hire people who are not ready to take on bigger roles and more responsibilities. They have been trained in all the technicalities. Delegation skills, time management, may be even a short course on Emotional Intelligence. All nice and well because it is necessary. But then, who took care of the mindset involved. Getting a promotion and becoming a leader is a big step, don't you agree? It takes a totally different mindset to manage a different set of challenges.
Many newly appointed leaders crack, just like Susan Boyle. Some who have been promoted show sudden lack of confidence, low self-esteem, uncertainty, fear, and what not. In their head they have one mantra: "Who am I to be here?" "Do I really deserve this?" "What will happen if they find out that I am not that clever as it seems?"
These negative thoughts keep running and running and then, they become the self-fulfilling prophecy. Another leader, so promising before, that fails.
It seems so hard to identify these issues earlier.
In my NLP Trainings, many participants initially come with lack of confidence, or low self esteem. In my coaching sessions, there are many that are desperately trying to cope, running agains the wall, over and over again.
This is the lesson that Susan Boyle teaches us. We need to look out for the talents in our organisation. Those that are quietly doing their thing. Those that are on the way to give out. Those that are disengaged.
There is a need to support those that are going to get promoted.
Public Programmes: Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses for those interested to become NLP Practitioners, NLP Coaches, Hypnotists or those that intend to gain a better position in the crisis or want to simply improve their influence and communication skills
For more information, follow these links:
To learn Certified NLP Practitioner and Certified Timeline Therapy™ Techniques Training, click here.
To learn more about our Advanced Coaching Programme, click here
To learn more about the Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) - Words That Change Minds Certification, click here
To register for any of these courses, click here.
To learn more about Asia Mind Dynamics, click here
For companies, interested to know more about in-houses courses, click here.
Alternatively, send an email to andreas.dorn AT gmail.com or najwadorn AT yahoo.com or call 012-287 5048 (Andreas) or Najwa (012-3276 048) for a discussion about your needs and requirements.
See you soon!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
The strange language of NLP
NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming has its own language, just like any other discipline. Think computer science, accounting, IT, even market research, HR Consulting etc.
For that matter, every company has its own language - expressions that tie its members together and create a culture.
The main challenge is that when you join a class in university, a company, or read a book about some things, it is your choice and mostly, you have some idea about the topic or area that we entrench. May be about the jargon used. The words we use to differentiate ourselves from others - just listen to the words young people use and compare it to the words older people use. There are plenty of differences.
Now, most people who join NLP Classes also have some idea of what is happening. They might have read a book - plenty available nowadays - read an article, talked about it with friends, checked it out on the internet and so on.
They might know that NLP is about personal development, discovering your inner self, finding direction, managing goals, helping others, communicating better or at a very deep level, changing behaviours, instant change, learning how to manage meetings or negotiations and much, much more.
So far, it is clear.
But NLP approaches things differently and in a very different style. It goes deeper. Actually, NLP teaches participants to approach life differently. It teachesthat we are not failures, that it is possible to succeed, to understand that there is opportunity in challenges. It teaches to manage our mind, that we have a choice in our life that we can define our future, that it is possible to overcome negative behaviours, beliefs and habits in a moment. It shows that we can work with others to help them achieve their goals.
It is only ..... that NLPlers use a very funny language.
Have you ever heard some NLPlers try to explain what NLP is? To someone who has no idea about NLP? It is a permanent struggle.
Remember, that NLP's founders were engaged in computer science (Richard Bandler) and linguistics (John Grinder). Somehow this combination proved fatal in terms of choice of language.
If you come to the "right NLPlers" they talk about "Submodalities, Meta Model, Strategies or Chaining or Collapsing Anchoring.
It is hard to stay alert in this maze.
Some newer NLP schools try to change the language, but then, it is even more confusing.
It is about the ability to really translate something somewhat difficult and strange into something that is beautiful and easy to understand. To me, it is one of my goals in the training to allow my practitioners to use NLP and be able to explain it to anyone they meet easily and effortlessly.
If they manage that, then I know my job is done. Because NLP is easy.
It is simplest form, it is about identifying where someone wants to go in their life (their future) and to contrast this with where they are now. Then, it is about discovering the ways and steps they need to take to reach their desired future. What would they need to go there, how do they go there, when and how someone is affected after reaching their goals.
That is probably the easiest definition. There are more available that go deeper into the sphere of NLP, but then, still manage to get the message across.
Because NLP is about communication. And if someone who is working with the most magnificent tool of communication (that is NLP, in case you wonder), and cannot explain it easily then how? You know the answer to that question.
Public Programmes: Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses for those interested to become NLP Practitioners, NLP Coaches, Hypnotists or those that want to simply improve their influence and communication skills
For more information, follow these links:
To learn Certified NLP Practitioner and Certified Timeline Therapy™ Techniques Training, click here.
To learn more about our Advanced Coaching Programme with NLP, click here
To learn more about the Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) - Words That Change Minds Certification, click here
To register for any of these courses, click here.
To learn more about Asia Mind Dynamics, click here
For companies, interested to know more about in-houses courses, click here.
Alternatively, send an email to andreas.dorn AT gmail.com or najwadorn AT yahoo.com or call 012-287 5048 (Andreas) or Najwa (012-3276 048) for a discussion about your needs and requirements.
See you soon!
For that matter, every company has its own language - expressions that tie its members together and create a culture.
The main challenge is that when you join a class in university, a company, or read a book about some things, it is your choice and mostly, you have some idea about the topic or area that we entrench. May be about the jargon used. The words we use to differentiate ourselves from others - just listen to the words young people use and compare it to the words older people use. There are plenty of differences.
Now, most people who join NLP Classes also have some idea of what is happening. They might have read a book - plenty available nowadays - read an article, talked about it with friends, checked it out on the internet and so on.
They might know that NLP is about personal development, discovering your inner self, finding direction, managing goals, helping others, communicating better or at a very deep level, changing behaviours, instant change, learning how to manage meetings or negotiations and much, much more.
So far, it is clear.
But NLP approaches things differently and in a very different style. It goes deeper. Actually, NLP teaches participants to approach life differently. It teachesthat we are not failures, that it is possible to succeed, to understand that there is opportunity in challenges. It teaches to manage our mind, that we have a choice in our life that we can define our future, that it is possible to overcome negative behaviours, beliefs and habits in a moment. It shows that we can work with others to help them achieve their goals.
It is only ..... that NLPlers use a very funny language.
Have you ever heard some NLPlers try to explain what NLP is? To someone who has no idea about NLP? It is a permanent struggle.
Remember, that NLP's founders were engaged in computer science (Richard Bandler) and linguistics (John Grinder). Somehow this combination proved fatal in terms of choice of language.
If you come to the "right NLPlers" they talk about "Submodalities, Meta Model, Strategies or Chaining or Collapsing Anchoring.
It is hard to stay alert in this maze.
Some newer NLP schools try to change the language, but then, it is even more confusing.
It is about the ability to really translate something somewhat difficult and strange into something that is beautiful and easy to understand. To me, it is one of my goals in the training to allow my practitioners to use NLP and be able to explain it to anyone they meet easily and effortlessly.
If they manage that, then I know my job is done. Because NLP is easy.
It is simplest form, it is about identifying where someone wants to go in their life (their future) and to contrast this with where they are now. Then, it is about discovering the ways and steps they need to take to reach their desired future. What would they need to go there, how do they go there, when and how someone is affected after reaching their goals.
That is probably the easiest definition. There are more available that go deeper into the sphere of NLP, but then, still manage to get the message across.
Because NLP is about communication. And if someone who is working with the most magnificent tool of communication (that is NLP, in case you wonder), and cannot explain it easily then how? You know the answer to that question.
Public Programmes: Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses for those interested to become NLP Practitioners, NLP Coaches, Hypnotists or those that want to simply improve their influence and communication skills
For more information, follow these links:
To learn Certified NLP Practitioner and Certified Timeline Therapy™ Techniques Training, click here.
To learn more about our Advanced Coaching Programme with NLP, click here
To learn more about the Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) - Words That Change Minds Certification, click here
To register for any of these courses, click here.
To learn more about Asia Mind Dynamics, click here
For companies, interested to know more about in-houses courses, click here.
Alternatively, send an email to andreas.dorn AT gmail.com or najwadorn AT yahoo.com or call 012-287 5048 (Andreas) or Najwa (012-3276 048) for a discussion about your needs and requirements.
See you soon!
The little girl aside of the street
It was raining, last night. My son called me and asked me to pick him up after his tuition, at about 6.00 PM.
While driving out from our area, I have to pass a public school. Aside of the school, under a tree, there stood a little girl. She was small, may be seven or eight years old. Standing under the trees, in her blue school uniform.
The uniform appeared to be wet, or may be even drenched. Like she was waiting already a long time.
I saw her standing there, while I drove by. My thought went out to her and I hoped that whomever she was waiting for would come soon.
There was no one else around. And it was getting dark, while the rain got heavier.
Now, my son’s tuition is not too far away, so about 15 minutes later, I came back to the same spot.
She wasn’t standing anymore but now cowering on the floor. Pressed even more against the fence, that surrounded the tree.
I thought I stop and ask, what is going on. Lucky to me, my son can speak Bahasa, way better than me. Hey, it is his mother tongue, okay?
Tears were streaming down her cheeks and she looked so small, so helpless and scared.
We asked her if she was waiting for someone (stupid question, as if she would stand there, all alone, by herself, for any other reason than waiting for someone to pick her up). She sniffed and said that she was waiting for her mother.
My son asked her for her mother’s telephone number, and, with lots of trials, and repetitions, she gave us the number. My son also took an umbrella from the car.
I was a bit worried as well, for my own sake, of course, and curious, what went on inside of me. Because, there is so much bad stuff with children ongoing in Malaysia, that I hoped no one would accuse me of something. As such, I was also happy that my boy was with me.
We tried to call her mother twice, but she didn’t pick up the phone. Suddenly, another girl came around the curve and told the little girl to come along. The little girl knew her and was relieved. So was my son and I. My son was happy and said, that this was nice. He enjoyed helping. I told him that we might have changed a life.
But what I am wondering about is the following. Where was the mother and how could she let the little girl get so devastated. It is a helpless situation. She was so scared and there would have been no one to help her. The feeling of helplessness must have been so overwhelming. Imagine you are 7 years old. And you are left alone, somewhere. Where to go, when it gets dark? You would be at the mercy of the environment. May be there are some recollection of horror stories told in movies, or by the parents about darkness and being alone. I don’t know but I know that it must have been scary.
May be her life changes after this and she knows that there is help, somewhere, that arrives when needed (do I see myself as the white knight?).
But may be she felt abandoned. And fear. These can be deep-seated negative emotions that we often encounter in our training. These emotions are created when we are young, and these experiences follow us into adulthood.
I know that the girl will be okay, but I pitied her for the experience.
Public Programmes: Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses for those interested to become NLP Practitioners, NLP Coaches, Hypnotists or those that want to simply improve their influence and communication skills
For more information, follow these links:
To learn Certified NLP Practitioner and Certified Timeline Therapy™ Techniques Training, click here.
To learn more about our Advanced Coaching Programme, click here
To learn more about the Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) - Words That Change Minds Certification, click here
To register for any of these courses, click here.
To learn more about Asia Mind Dynamics, click here
For companies, interested to know more about in-houses courses, click here.
Alternatively, send an email to andreas.dorn AT gmail.com or najwadorn AT yahoo.com or call 012-287 5048 (Andreas) or Najwa (012-3276 048) for a discussion about your needs and requirements.
See you soon!
While driving out from our area, I have to pass a public school. Aside of the school, under a tree, there stood a little girl. She was small, may be seven or eight years old. Standing under the trees, in her blue school uniform.
The uniform appeared to be wet, or may be even drenched. Like she was waiting already a long time.
I saw her standing there, while I drove by. My thought went out to her and I hoped that whomever she was waiting for would come soon.
There was no one else around. And it was getting dark, while the rain got heavier.
Now, my son’s tuition is not too far away, so about 15 minutes later, I came back to the same spot.
She wasn’t standing anymore but now cowering on the floor. Pressed even more against the fence, that surrounded the tree.
I thought I stop and ask, what is going on. Lucky to me, my son can speak Bahasa, way better than me. Hey, it is his mother tongue, okay?
Tears were streaming down her cheeks and she looked so small, so helpless and scared.
We asked her if she was waiting for someone (stupid question, as if she would stand there, all alone, by herself, for any other reason than waiting for someone to pick her up). She sniffed and said that she was waiting for her mother.
My son asked her for her mother’s telephone number, and, with lots of trials, and repetitions, she gave us the number. My son also took an umbrella from the car.
I was a bit worried as well, for my own sake, of course, and curious, what went on inside of me. Because, there is so much bad stuff with children ongoing in Malaysia, that I hoped no one would accuse me of something. As such, I was also happy that my boy was with me.
We tried to call her mother twice, but she didn’t pick up the phone. Suddenly, another girl came around the curve and told the little girl to come along. The little girl knew her and was relieved. So was my son and I. My son was happy and said, that this was nice. He enjoyed helping. I told him that we might have changed a life.
But what I am wondering about is the following. Where was the mother and how could she let the little girl get so devastated. It is a helpless situation. She was so scared and there would have been no one to help her. The feeling of helplessness must have been so overwhelming. Imagine you are 7 years old. And you are left alone, somewhere. Where to go, when it gets dark? You would be at the mercy of the environment. May be there are some recollection of horror stories told in movies, or by the parents about darkness and being alone. I don’t know but I know that it must have been scary.
May be her life changes after this and she knows that there is help, somewhere, that arrives when needed (do I see myself as the white knight?).
But may be she felt abandoned. And fear. These can be deep-seated negative emotions that we often encounter in our training. These emotions are created when we are young, and these experiences follow us into adulthood.
I know that the girl will be okay, but I pitied her for the experience.
Public Programmes: Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses for those interested to become NLP Practitioners, NLP Coaches, Hypnotists or those that want to simply improve their influence and communication skills
For more information, follow these links:
To learn Certified NLP Practitioner and Certified Timeline Therapy™ Techniques Training, click here.
To learn more about our Advanced Coaching Programme, click here
To learn more about the Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) - Words That Change Minds Certification, click here
To register for any of these courses, click here.
To learn more about Asia Mind Dynamics, click here
For companies, interested to know more about in-houses courses, click here.
Alternatively, send an email to andreas.dorn AT gmail.com or najwadorn AT yahoo.com or call 012-287 5048 (Andreas) or Najwa (012-3276 048) for a discussion about your needs and requirements.
See you soon!
Language as tool to enable change
You just gotta love that guy. If you are interested in learning about the power of language and influence, I invite you to constantly listen out for Barack's speeches.
Look for the way he is anchoring messages in his speeches to certain body movements. Listen how he uses hypnotic language patterns, or those high-level words that we can all agree to. The main differentiator to Bush is that he is using the language of suggestion - he invites people to listen to him.
Those that have made it through the Language and Behaviour Profile Training or our NLP Master Practitioner will realise that the language of suggestion is most suitable for those that are resistant to messages.
And, be honest, everybody is resistant to messages when we are confronted with them the first time. When we see someone the first time and this one person tries to convince us. How do we feel? Like we want to run away....
To further support my point - just remember the last time, someone approached you on the road or in the mall and wanted to strongly sell something to you. Argh - I believe you felt this churn in your stomach. It didn't make you feel good, did it?
The contrast is the language of invitation. Inviting people to listen to you. In NLP, we call this "Softening Frames". They are introductionary parts such as "I invite you to....", "May I suggest....", "Would you be able to consider..."
It is just another sentence, sure, but the sound is different. Try it out the next time you want to make a point or convince someone.
Barack invites people to listen to him. This probably is the main difference to the Bush administration who demanded that others (involving the rest of the world) listen to them - think about the way Bush stated the "be for us or against us" points after September 11.
The article below indicates the importance of language in making a point.
Wayne Fields, a professor of English and American culture studies at Washington University in St. Louis is quoted as saying that "using language is one way to help effect that change."
Don't we all agree?
I am happy that I have chosen the language of influence as my job, as my hobby and my mission in life. Have you?
Read the article and share your thoughts!!
– The "War on Terror" is losing the war of words. The catchphrase burned into the American lexicon hours after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, is fading away, slowly if not deliberately being replaced by a new administration bent on repairing the U.S. image among Muslim nations.
Since taking office less than two weeks ago, President Barack Obama has talked broadly of the "enduring struggle against terrorism and extremism." Another time it was an "ongoing struggle."
He has pledged to "go after" extremists and "win this fight." There even was an oblique reference to a "twilight struggle" as the U.S. relentlessly pursues those who threaten the country.
But only once since his Jan. 20 inauguration has Obama publicly strung those three words together into the explosive phrase that coalesced the country during its most terrifying time and eventually came to define the Bush administration.
Speaking at the State Department on Jan. 22, Obama told his diplomatic corps, "We are confronted by extraordinary, complex and interconnected global challenges: war on terror, sectarian division and the spread of deadly technology. We did not ask for the burden that history has asked us to bear, but Americans will bear it. We must bear it."
During the past seven years, the "War Against Terror" or "War on Terror" came to represent everything the U.S. military was doing in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the broader effort against extremists elsewhere or those seen as aiding militants aimed at destroying the West.
Ultimately and perhaps inadvertently, however, the phrase "became associated in the minds of many people outside the Unites States and particularly in places where the countries are largely Islamic and Arab, as being anti-Islam and anti-Arab," said Anthony Cordesman, a national security analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington think tank.
Now, he said, there is a sense that the U.S. should be talking more about specific extremist groups — ones that are recognized as militants in the Arab world and that are viewed as threats not just to America or the West, but also within the countries they operate.
The thinking has evolved, he said, to focus on avoiding the kind of rhetoric "which could imply that this was a struggle against a religion or a culture."
Obama has made it clear in his first days in office that he is courting the Muslim community and making what is at least a symbolic shift away from the previous administration's often more combative tone.
He chose an Arab network for his first televised interview, declaring that "Americans are not your enemy." Before his first full week in office ended, he named former Sen. George J. Mitchell as his special envoy for the Middle East and sent him to the region for talks with leaders.
According to the White House, Obama is intent on repairing America's image in the eyes of the Islamic world and addressing issues such as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, unrest in Pakistan and India, Arab-Israeli peace talks and tensions with Iran.
Using language is one way to help effect that change, said Wayne Fields, professor of English and American culture studies at Washington University in St. Louis.
"One of the contrasts between the two administrations is the care with which Obama uses language. He thinks about the subtle implications," said Fields, an expert on presidential rhetoric. The Bush administration "didn't set out deliberately to do things that were offensive but they liked to do things that showed how strong they were, and to use language almost in an aggressive sense."
Obama, he said, understands that language and conversation must be worked at and that it's "not just a series of sound bites."
White House officials say there has been no deliberate ban on the war-on-terror phrase. And it hasn't completely disappeared. White House press secretary Robert Gibbs has used the wording in briefings, and it's still in vogue among some in the Pentagon and State Department.
Asked about Obama's avoidance of the phrase, Gibbs said the president's language is "consistent with what he said in his inaugural address on the 20th. I'm not aware of any larger charges than that."
Juan Zarate, who served as the deputy national security adviser for combating terrorism during the Bush administration, said he has seen signs that the new White House is trying to subtly retool the words, if not the war.
"There's no question that they're looking very carefully at all issues related to how the war on terror is packaged, to include lexicon," said Zarate. "All of this is part of an attempt to see how they could at least frame a change in policy even if, at the end of the day, the actual war on terrorism doesn't change all that much."
Public Programmes: Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses for those interested to become NLP Practitioners, NLP Coaches, Hypnotists or those that want to simply improve their influence and communication skills
For more information, follow these links:
To learn Certified NLP Practitioner and Certified Timeline Therapy™ Techniques Training, click here.
To learn more about our Advanced Coaching Programme, click here
To learn more about the Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) - Words That Change Minds Certification, click here
To register for any of these courses, click here.
To learn more about Asia Mind Dynamics, click here
For companies, interested to know more about in-houses courses, click here.
Alternatively, send an email to andreas.dorn AT gmail.com or najwadorn AT yahoo.com or call 012-287 5048 (Andreas) or Najwa (012-3276 048) for a discussion about your needs and requirements.
See you soon!
Look for the way he is anchoring messages in his speeches to certain body movements. Listen how he uses hypnotic language patterns, or those high-level words that we can all agree to. The main differentiator to Bush is that he is using the language of suggestion - he invites people to listen to him.
Those that have made it through the Language and Behaviour Profile Training or our NLP Master Practitioner will realise that the language of suggestion is most suitable for those that are resistant to messages.
And, be honest, everybody is resistant to messages when we are confronted with them the first time. When we see someone the first time and this one person tries to convince us. How do we feel? Like we want to run away....
To further support my point - just remember the last time, someone approached you on the road or in the mall and wanted to strongly sell something to you. Argh - I believe you felt this churn in your stomach. It didn't make you feel good, did it?
The contrast is the language of invitation. Inviting people to listen to you. In NLP, we call this "Softening Frames". They are introductionary parts such as "I invite you to....", "May I suggest....", "Would you be able to consider..."
It is just another sentence, sure, but the sound is different. Try it out the next time you want to make a point or convince someone.
Barack invites people to listen to him. This probably is the main difference to the Bush administration who demanded that others (involving the rest of the world) listen to them - think about the way Bush stated the "be for us or against us" points after September 11.
The article below indicates the importance of language in making a point.
Wayne Fields, a professor of English and American culture studies at Washington University in St. Louis is quoted as saying that "using language is one way to help effect that change."
Don't we all agree?
I am happy that I have chosen the language of influence as my job, as my hobby and my mission in life. Have you?
Read the article and share your thoughts!!
– The "War on Terror" is losing the war of words. The catchphrase burned into the American lexicon hours after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, is fading away, slowly if not deliberately being replaced by a new administration bent on repairing the U.S. image among Muslim nations.
Since taking office less than two weeks ago, President Barack Obama has talked broadly of the "enduring struggle against terrorism and extremism." Another time it was an "ongoing struggle."
He has pledged to "go after" extremists and "win this fight." There even was an oblique reference to a "twilight struggle" as the U.S. relentlessly pursues those who threaten the country.
But only once since his Jan. 20 inauguration has Obama publicly strung those three words together into the explosive phrase that coalesced the country during its most terrifying time and eventually came to define the Bush administration.
Speaking at the State Department on Jan. 22, Obama told his diplomatic corps, "We are confronted by extraordinary, complex and interconnected global challenges: war on terror, sectarian division and the spread of deadly technology. We did not ask for the burden that history has asked us to bear, but Americans will bear it. We must bear it."
During the past seven years, the "War Against Terror" or "War on Terror" came to represent everything the U.S. military was doing in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the broader effort against extremists elsewhere or those seen as aiding militants aimed at destroying the West.
Ultimately and perhaps inadvertently, however, the phrase "became associated in the minds of many people outside the Unites States and particularly in places where the countries are largely Islamic and Arab, as being anti-Islam and anti-Arab," said Anthony Cordesman, a national security analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington think tank.
Now, he said, there is a sense that the U.S. should be talking more about specific extremist groups — ones that are recognized as militants in the Arab world and that are viewed as threats not just to America or the West, but also within the countries they operate.
The thinking has evolved, he said, to focus on avoiding the kind of rhetoric "which could imply that this was a struggle against a religion or a culture."
Obama has made it clear in his first days in office that he is courting the Muslim community and making what is at least a symbolic shift away from the previous administration's often more combative tone.
He chose an Arab network for his first televised interview, declaring that "Americans are not your enemy." Before his first full week in office ended, he named former Sen. George J. Mitchell as his special envoy for the Middle East and sent him to the region for talks with leaders.
According to the White House, Obama is intent on repairing America's image in the eyes of the Islamic world and addressing issues such as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, unrest in Pakistan and India, Arab-Israeli peace talks and tensions with Iran.
Using language is one way to help effect that change, said Wayne Fields, professor of English and American culture studies at Washington University in St. Louis.
"One of the contrasts between the two administrations is the care with which Obama uses language. He thinks about the subtle implications," said Fields, an expert on presidential rhetoric. The Bush administration "didn't set out deliberately to do things that were offensive but they liked to do things that showed how strong they were, and to use language almost in an aggressive sense."
Obama, he said, understands that language and conversation must be worked at and that it's "not just a series of sound bites."
White House officials say there has been no deliberate ban on the war-on-terror phrase. And it hasn't completely disappeared. White House press secretary Robert Gibbs has used the wording in briefings, and it's still in vogue among some in the Pentagon and State Department.
Asked about Obama's avoidance of the phrase, Gibbs said the president's language is "consistent with what he said in his inaugural address on the 20th. I'm not aware of any larger charges than that."
Juan Zarate, who served as the deputy national security adviser for combating terrorism during the Bush administration, said he has seen signs that the new White House is trying to subtly retool the words, if not the war.
"There's no question that they're looking very carefully at all issues related to how the war on terror is packaged, to include lexicon," said Zarate. "All of this is part of an attempt to see how they could at least frame a change in policy even if, at the end of the day, the actual war on terrorism doesn't change all that much."
Public Programmes: Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses for those interested to become NLP Practitioners, NLP Coaches, Hypnotists or those that want to simply improve their influence and communication skills
For more information, follow these links:
To learn Certified NLP Practitioner and Certified Timeline Therapy™ Techniques Training, click here.
To learn more about our Advanced Coaching Programme, click here
To learn more about the Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) - Words That Change Minds Certification, click here
To register for any of these courses, click here.
To learn more about Asia Mind Dynamics, click here
For companies, interested to know more about in-houses courses, click here.
Alternatively, send an email to andreas.dorn AT gmail.com or najwadorn AT yahoo.com or call 012-287 5048 (Andreas) or Najwa (012-3276 048) for a discussion about your needs and requirements.
See you soon!
Does NLP allow you to read people's minds?
I am in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) for quite a while now. My passion started of in 2004 with a 2-day course and I never looked back. It is an amazing tool to understand myself and others.
After completing my all the different courses related to NLP (e.g.; Hypnosis, Timeline Therapy(TM) Techniques and others), I am now training these different disciplines to those interested.
I am sure that those of you who read this and have done their NLP Practitioner or gone beyond it have encountered the most famous question everyone in NLP once encounters - "Can you read my mind? What am I thinking right now?"
Those that ask me look at me with eyes wide open. A curious expression on the face. May be a slight smile.
I don't know where this idea comes from. Is it propagated by Darren Brown or did it come about because of the most famous application - the Eye Accessing Cues?
You see, people move their eyes in all directions, all the time. Even so it its validity is questions every now and then, NLPlers state that when people experience, create or recall a certain event, they move their eyes into certain directions.
You move your eyes up when you create or recall a picture, to the side when you create or recall sounds and down when you either get in touch with your feelings or check on your self-talk (a short crash course in NLP).
It might be because of this that NLPlers are said to be mind readers. But actually, it is more complicated than this.
Reading minds has something to do with a variety of things, of which only one are the Eye Accessing Cues.
Other factors that play a role are the ability to build deep rapport, watching body movements and body language (hey - it is a sure give away), the tonality of people and listening, listening, listening to what people have to say.
Most importantly, however, are the way people express their values and beliefs in their actions, the behavioural traits expressed in their "normal" language (look for the Language and Behaviour Profile to know more about it), and a lot of cold reading.
Wikipedia describes Cold Reading as follows:
"Cold reading is a technique used by mentalists and is claimed to be used by fortune tellers, psychics, and mediums to determine details about another person in order to convince them that the reader knows much more about a subject than he or she actually does. Even without prior knowledge of a person, a practiced cold reader can still quickly obtain a great deal of information about the subject by carefully analyzing the person's body language, clothing or fashion, hairstyle, gender, sexual orientation, religion, race or ethnicity, level of education, manner of speech, place of origin, etc. Cold readers commonly employ high probability guesses about the subject, quickly picking up on signals from their subjects as to whether their guesses are in the right direction or not, and then emphasizing and reinforcing any chance connections the subjects acknowledge while quickly moving on from missed guesses."
I am not claiming to be able to read people's mind. That's way too hard. The mind is too fast for me. But I learned through my own training that it is possible to be pretty accurate about a person's attitude to life, their way of approaching things, what they value and what is important to them. I am often correct in knowing their style of dressing when I talked to them on the phone.
People are like open books. Open books when you know what to look out and listen for. Of course, this is not something that is easily learned in just 10 days. It takes practice, patience and time. It is lots of fun, nevertheless.
Imagine, just for a moment, you simply know what is important to a person by looking at them, and then you make a respective compliment. The door to rapport and trust is wide open. It allows for deep conversations. No more pretending, and an open and mutually enhancing conversation based on win-win.
The result? You are perceived to be a great coach, a better parent, a more empathetic colleague, a super boss an understanding HR person, a wonderful salesperson, THE great listener and more.
Add on to the list....... by yourself. What do you want to be?
That is the power of NLP. The pleasure to speed up relationships. The ability to understand yourself to shut up your own inner voice. The wonderful feeling to just be there for the other person, when they truly need it.
And then, if required, to initiate change. To widen the other person's perspective. To let them have insights into their problem, and develop their own solution.
I say that this is the WoW Factor of NLP.
Isn't this wonderful?
Join us if you want to experience the same ...
Public Programmes: Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses for those interested to become NLP Practitioners, NLP Coaches, Hypnotists or those that want to simply improve their influence and communication skills
For more information, follow these links:
To learn Certified NLP Practitioner and Certified Timeline Therapy™ Techniques Training, click here.
To learn more about our Advanced Coaching Programme, click here
To learn more about the Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) - Words That Change Minds Certification, click here
To register for any of these courses, click here.
To learn more about Asia Mind Dynamics, click here
For companies, interested to know more about in-houses courses, click here.
Alternatively, send an email to andreas.dorn AT gmail.com or najwadorn AT yahoo.com or call 012-287 5048 (Andreas) or Najwa (012-3276 048) for a discussion about your needs and requirements.
See you soon!
After completing my all the different courses related to NLP (e.g.; Hypnosis, Timeline Therapy(TM) Techniques and others), I am now training these different disciplines to those interested.
I am sure that those of you who read this and have done their NLP Practitioner or gone beyond it have encountered the most famous question everyone in NLP once encounters - "Can you read my mind? What am I thinking right now?"
Those that ask me look at me with eyes wide open. A curious expression on the face. May be a slight smile.
I don't know where this idea comes from. Is it propagated by Darren Brown or did it come about because of the most famous application - the Eye Accessing Cues?
You see, people move their eyes in all directions, all the time. Even so it its validity is questions every now and then, NLPlers state that when people experience, create or recall a certain event, they move their eyes into certain directions.
You move your eyes up when you create or recall a picture, to the side when you create or recall sounds and down when you either get in touch with your feelings or check on your self-talk (a short crash course in NLP).
It might be because of this that NLPlers are said to be mind readers. But actually, it is more complicated than this.
Reading minds has something to do with a variety of things, of which only one are the Eye Accessing Cues.
Other factors that play a role are the ability to build deep rapport, watching body movements and body language (hey - it is a sure give away), the tonality of people and listening, listening, listening to what people have to say.
Most importantly, however, are the way people express their values and beliefs in their actions, the behavioural traits expressed in their "normal" language (look for the Language and Behaviour Profile to know more about it), and a lot of cold reading.
Wikipedia describes Cold Reading as follows:
"Cold reading is a technique used by mentalists and is claimed to be used by fortune tellers, psychics, and mediums to determine details about another person in order to convince them that the reader knows much more about a subject than he or she actually does. Even without prior knowledge of a person, a practiced cold reader can still quickly obtain a great deal of information about the subject by carefully analyzing the person's body language, clothing or fashion, hairstyle, gender, sexual orientation, religion, race or ethnicity, level of education, manner of speech, place of origin, etc. Cold readers commonly employ high probability guesses about the subject, quickly picking up on signals from their subjects as to whether their guesses are in the right direction or not, and then emphasizing and reinforcing any chance connections the subjects acknowledge while quickly moving on from missed guesses."
I am not claiming to be able to read people's mind. That's way too hard. The mind is too fast for me. But I learned through my own training that it is possible to be pretty accurate about a person's attitude to life, their way of approaching things, what they value and what is important to them. I am often correct in knowing their style of dressing when I talked to them on the phone.
People are like open books. Open books when you know what to look out and listen for. Of course, this is not something that is easily learned in just 10 days. It takes practice, patience and time. It is lots of fun, nevertheless.
Imagine, just for a moment, you simply know what is important to a person by looking at them, and then you make a respective compliment. The door to rapport and trust is wide open. It allows for deep conversations. No more pretending, and an open and mutually enhancing conversation based on win-win.
The result? You are perceived to be a great coach, a better parent, a more empathetic colleague, a super boss an understanding HR person, a wonderful salesperson, THE great listener and more.
Add on to the list....... by yourself. What do you want to be?
That is the power of NLP. The pleasure to speed up relationships. The ability to understand yourself to shut up your own inner voice. The wonderful feeling to just be there for the other person, when they truly need it.
And then, if required, to initiate change. To widen the other person's perspective. To let them have insights into their problem, and develop their own solution.
I say that this is the WoW Factor of NLP.
Isn't this wonderful?
Join us if you want to experience the same ...
Public Programmes: Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses for those interested to become NLP Practitioners, NLP Coaches, Hypnotists or those that want to simply improve their influence and communication skills
For more information, follow these links:
To learn Certified NLP Practitioner and Certified Timeline Therapy™ Techniques Training, click here.
To learn more about our Advanced Coaching Programme, click here
To learn more about the Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) - Words That Change Minds Certification, click here
To register for any of these courses, click here.
To learn more about Asia Mind Dynamics, click here
For companies, interested to know more about in-houses courses, click here.
Alternatively, send an email to andreas.dorn AT gmail.com or najwadorn AT yahoo.com or call 012-287 5048 (Andreas) or Najwa (012-3276 048) for a discussion about your needs and requirements.
See you soon!
Integrity and overpromising in a competitive environment
So the economy is down. Companies postpone, or reschedule training. Individuals choose more carefully before they sign up with a course. Especially a course that seems more expensive.
I mean, look, Asia Mind Dynamics is more expensive than others. Especially, when you look at the total price and overlook that our training days are longer - 10 days or more. And while we mostly start at 9.00 AM (I said mostly!!)we hardly ever finish before 6.00 PM. Sometimes we trained until 9.00 PM, but then, this depends on the intensity of the questions asked by the participants - and I am open to it. We are also more expensive because we provide more knowledge, more extensive and intensive exercises and don't forget all the after-training support provided.
Sure case - quality costs something and value comes with a price, right?
Call me arrogant (I don't think I am not, actually!) but we also value high quality participants. Those that really go the extra mile for change. Interestingly, we most of the time manage to just get those that we want. We have a secret "weapon" to understand the participants and know their thinking structure. Okay, sometimes we fail and sometimes we get it partially right, but well..... We value high quality participants because this allows all participants to grow together. Work together, bond and share most intensively!
We could overpromise on benefits and outcomes of the course to get a higher number of participants. You probably know that when you know NLP you really can achieve a lot in your life. Change habits, behaviours, beliefs, and values in a short time. It really helps to identify and overcome limitations and handicaps to design something magnificent and worth living. It is the fastest way to change, way beyond any traditional change approach.
So yes, we could overpromise to get more sign-ups. People would come. Expectations are higher. Hopes are raised.
But then, what would happen? If we promise heaven and earth to our participants and all they would get is hell? They would spend their hard earned cash and then, they would be bitterly disappointed.
In fact, we would tarnish our reputation. There is this old saying, that bad news travels fast, and today, in Internet time,bad news travels at the speed of light.
I tell corporate clients that ask me if I can conduct a so-and-so type of training, if I can deliver or not. If I can, I am happy. If I can't, I tell them I can't. I refer them out. Sure thing, because in the end, I am only as good as my last training.
Similar with individuals that join our public training. I could tell anything, and hey - it would be true. Wouldn't it? Because I changed my life a lot since I started NLP in 2004. But did I change so totally it in just 10 days? No, of course not. I set the course differently, I learned a lot of skills and methodologies and let go of a lot of negative stuff. But there was more and I kept going. Learned more, entrenched myself in NLP, and all the related stuff, such as NLP Coaching, Hypnosis of different kinds, Timeline Therapy(TM) Techniques, Silva Mind and all. It is a journey into the mind and still ongoing.
I am not overpromising. I recently heard from someone that Company X offers so much more than we. Company X is a competitor of sort. Their ads in The Star are not developed or checked by the trainer but by their staff. A long list of possible achievements. In a way shorter course. I wouldn't tell anything bad about them, even so I know their trainer, and the staff. Because it would not reflect good on me.
I feel sad when I hear people signing up for the courses. I am in a dilemma. Shall I tell stories and experiences or not? I don't. Everybody needs to do their own experiences.
Another way is to tell stories about the competition. Sure, times are hard for many, and many just tell stories. Stories that don't reflect too good on the competition.
Why do I tell this story?
Because I recently heard stories that they told stories about Asia Mind Dynamics. More than once already, really.
It was in the beginning of Asia Mind Dynamics, that someone asked Company X about us. They were saying that we are still new, inexperienced, would not know NLP and that they should come to Company X. Is this the truth? Well, yes, it was true. We were new in the market but not inexperienced.
Yesterday, another participant mentioned inquired with them and compared their course,which is different, with ours. Company X told them that we would also join their class. How can? I am already a trainer in all they offer. Sure, I still upgrade my skills because I learn. But sorry only in courses that enhance my skills.
Why did I write this article now?
Overpromising doesn't work. Because it will come back to haunt you. Someone realises it, mismatched expectations and the rumour mill starts. I hear enough complaints about bad NLP trainings - I don't want to hear it, because of my next point. I acknowledge the complain, and search for the best intention in the complainer. Or in the training company.
Badmouthing the competition only reflects on the one who badmouthes. Imagine someone who badmouthes about someone. Do you trust this person? I don't. Because I never know if the person does not badmouth about me as well, once I am no longer around.
What I want you to know is the one thing. Bad mouthing or backstapping is related to values and beliefs, or may be even higher, to the identity of person or company.
What do they value or belief and how do they try to achieve it? Where are their boundaries to getting business in? Values, just like beliefs, are not always positive. There are negative values, only that no one really admits it it. It is not in, or too frightening. But their language and their behaviour expresses their true state of mind.
Longterm, it probably hurts their body.
Public Programmes: Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses for those interested to become NLP Practitioners, NLP Coaches, Hypnotists or those that want to simply improve their influence and communication skills
For more information, follow these links:
To learn Certified NLP Practitioner and Certified Timeline Therapy™ Techniques Training, click here.
To learn more about our Advanced Coaching Programme, click here
To learn more about the Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) - Words That Change Minds Certification, click here
To register for any of these courses, click here.
To learn more about Asia Mind Dynamics, click here
For companies, interested to know more about in-houses courses, click here.
I mean, look, Asia Mind Dynamics is more expensive than others. Especially, when you look at the total price and overlook that our training days are longer - 10 days or more. And while we mostly start at 9.00 AM (I said mostly!!)we hardly ever finish before 6.00 PM. Sometimes we trained until 9.00 PM, but then, this depends on the intensity of the questions asked by the participants - and I am open to it. We are also more expensive because we provide more knowledge, more extensive and intensive exercises and don't forget all the after-training support provided.
Sure case - quality costs something and value comes with a price, right?
Call me arrogant (I don't think I am not, actually!) but we also value high quality participants. Those that really go the extra mile for change. Interestingly, we most of the time manage to just get those that we want. We have a secret "weapon" to understand the participants and know their thinking structure. Okay, sometimes we fail and sometimes we get it partially right, but well..... We value high quality participants because this allows all participants to grow together. Work together, bond and share most intensively!
We could overpromise on benefits and outcomes of the course to get a higher number of participants. You probably know that when you know NLP you really can achieve a lot in your life. Change habits, behaviours, beliefs, and values in a short time. It really helps to identify and overcome limitations and handicaps to design something magnificent and worth living. It is the fastest way to change, way beyond any traditional change approach.
So yes, we could overpromise to get more sign-ups. People would come. Expectations are higher. Hopes are raised.
But then, what would happen? If we promise heaven and earth to our participants and all they would get is hell? They would spend their hard earned cash and then, they would be bitterly disappointed.
In fact, we would tarnish our reputation. There is this old saying, that bad news travels fast, and today, in Internet time,bad news travels at the speed of light.
I tell corporate clients that ask me if I can conduct a so-and-so type of training, if I can deliver or not. If I can, I am happy. If I can't, I tell them I can't. I refer them out. Sure thing, because in the end, I am only as good as my last training.
Similar with individuals that join our public training. I could tell anything, and hey - it would be true. Wouldn't it? Because I changed my life a lot since I started NLP in 2004. But did I change so totally it in just 10 days? No, of course not. I set the course differently, I learned a lot of skills and methodologies and let go of a lot of negative stuff. But there was more and I kept going. Learned more, entrenched myself in NLP, and all the related stuff, such as NLP Coaching, Hypnosis of different kinds, Timeline Therapy(TM) Techniques, Silva Mind and all. It is a journey into the mind and still ongoing.
I am not overpromising. I recently heard from someone that Company X offers so much more than we. Company X is a competitor of sort. Their ads in The Star are not developed or checked by the trainer but by their staff. A long list of possible achievements. In a way shorter course. I wouldn't tell anything bad about them, even so I know their trainer, and the staff. Because it would not reflect good on me.
I feel sad when I hear people signing up for the courses. I am in a dilemma. Shall I tell stories and experiences or not? I don't. Everybody needs to do their own experiences.
Another way is to tell stories about the competition. Sure, times are hard for many, and many just tell stories. Stories that don't reflect too good on the competition.
Why do I tell this story?
Because I recently heard stories that they told stories about Asia Mind Dynamics. More than once already, really.
It was in the beginning of Asia Mind Dynamics, that someone asked Company X about us. They were saying that we are still new, inexperienced, would not know NLP and that they should come to Company X. Is this the truth? Well, yes, it was true. We were new in the market but not inexperienced.
Yesterday, another participant mentioned inquired with them and compared their course,which is different, with ours. Company X told them that we would also join their class. How can? I am already a trainer in all they offer. Sure, I still upgrade my skills because I learn. But sorry only in courses that enhance my skills.
Why did I write this article now?
Overpromising doesn't work. Because it will come back to haunt you. Someone realises it, mismatched expectations and the rumour mill starts. I hear enough complaints about bad NLP trainings - I don't want to hear it, because of my next point. I acknowledge the complain, and search for the best intention in the complainer. Or in the training company.
Badmouthing the competition only reflects on the one who badmouthes. Imagine someone who badmouthes about someone. Do you trust this person? I don't. Because I never know if the person does not badmouth about me as well, once I am no longer around.
What I want you to know is the one thing. Bad mouthing or backstapping is related to values and beliefs, or may be even higher, to the identity of person or company.
What do they value or belief and how do they try to achieve it? Where are their boundaries to getting business in? Values, just like beliefs, are not always positive. There are negative values, only that no one really admits it it. It is not in, or too frightening. But their language and their behaviour expresses their true state of mind.
Longterm, it probably hurts their body.
Public Programmes: Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses for those interested to become NLP Practitioners, NLP Coaches, Hypnotists or those that want to simply improve their influence and communication skills
For more information, follow these links:
To learn Certified NLP Practitioner and Certified Timeline Therapy™ Techniques Training, click here.
To learn more about our Advanced Coaching Programme, click here
To learn more about the Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) - Words That Change Minds Certification, click here
To register for any of these courses, click here.
To learn more about Asia Mind Dynamics, click here
For companies, interested to know more about in-houses courses, click here.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
The Secret and negative thoughts
The Secret is still all around us. Even so I think it is a bit simplistic, the good part is that people become aware that they are in charge of their life.
However, there are some people that take the message of not to think any negative thoughts to serious and even condemn realistic assessments as too negative. Now, I believe that reality is what we make out of it. Each and every one has his or her own interpretation of events. This interpretation ultimately forms their experience and how they experience their life - it creates their "model of the world".
Now there are situations that need to be evaluated. Look at the global recession, for example. I mentioned earlier that there is a need to change the things we are doing. May be more, may be less. Up to you. But I met people who really freak out the moment you mention the word crisis. Like it is the pest or something similar. Like the don't want to touch it at all. It is too negative. If you mention the word, there is the danger that energy is put inside and then it will hit us.
In similar fashion, when we talk to clients about goal setting and budget developments. We set an achievable goal, and don't I dare to say it, there is this voice in the back saying - 'when we put this number on the board, won't we limit us? Shouldn't we avoid mentioning numbers, because they are holding us back? Won't the universe give us more, if we really, really really use outrageously high numbers?' When I say may be we should shoot for the stars to reach the moon - oh no, another limitation!!
I believe, no, I know we create our own reality. What we have inside of us, and how we personally evaluate events will ultimately determine the quality of our life. We can achieve a lot when we learn how to reframe certain events. Negative ones especially. Some people spiral into negative thoughts and are somewhat addicted to it. For them it is good to realise that this strengthens a negative condition in the mind. It is good for them to learn how to manage their thoughts.
But when I am able to manage my thoughts - positive and negative ones - this also means that my quality of my life, to me gets better. This means that I am ready with scenarios and ideas on how to tackle challenges. Not ignoring challenges. Because, isn't ignoring challenges equivalent to running away? Like an ostrich putting his head into the sand, hoping, that he won't be seen?
As mentioned, I like the way of how the secret opened the mind of many. It helped millions of people become aware of their thoughts. But there is more to it, way more. So, let me invite you not to stop at the secret, but move beyond. Use it as a beginning point to design your life. To manage your thoughts. To explore new ways of thinking. Enjoy the fruits of success. But then, start also to manage the stuff that life also throws at you. The challenges. The hard pieces. The limitations. Reframe them. Shed new lights at them. Why are they thrown at you? What is the learning? How can you tackle a similar challenge the next time around. What is the purpose, for you, in experiencing something like this. Just some beginning questions. Something to think about! Or, may be I am just too negative?
Public Programmes: Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses for those interested to become NLP Practitioners, NLP Coaches, Hypnotists or those that want to simply improve their influence and communication skills
For more information, follow these links:
To lean Certified NLP Practitioner and Certified Timeline Therapy™ Techniques Training, click here.
To learn more about our Advanced Coaching Programme, click here
To learn more about the Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) - Words That Change Minds Certification, click here
To register for any of these courses, click here.
To learn more about Asia Mind Dynamics, click here
For companies, interested to know more about in-houses courses, click here.
Alternatively, send an email to andreas.dorn AT gmail.com or najwadorn AT yahoo.com or call 012-287 5048 (Andreas) or Najwa (012-3276 048) for a discussion about your needs and requirements.
See you soon!
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However, there are some people that take the message of not to think any negative thoughts to serious and even condemn realistic assessments as too negative. Now, I believe that reality is what we make out of it. Each and every one has his or her own interpretation of events. This interpretation ultimately forms their experience and how they experience their life - it creates their "model of the world".
Now there are situations that need to be evaluated. Look at the global recession, for example. I mentioned earlier that there is a need to change the things we are doing. May be more, may be less. Up to you. But I met people who really freak out the moment you mention the word crisis. Like it is the pest or something similar. Like the don't want to touch it at all. It is too negative. If you mention the word, there is the danger that energy is put inside and then it will hit us.
In similar fashion, when we talk to clients about goal setting and budget developments. We set an achievable goal, and don't I dare to say it, there is this voice in the back saying - 'when we put this number on the board, won't we limit us? Shouldn't we avoid mentioning numbers, because they are holding us back? Won't the universe give us more, if we really, really really use outrageously high numbers?' When I say may be we should shoot for the stars to reach the moon - oh no, another limitation!!
I believe, no, I know we create our own reality. What we have inside of us, and how we personally evaluate events will ultimately determine the quality of our life. We can achieve a lot when we learn how to reframe certain events. Negative ones especially. Some people spiral into negative thoughts and are somewhat addicted to it. For them it is good to realise that this strengthens a negative condition in the mind. It is good for them to learn how to manage their thoughts.
But when I am able to manage my thoughts - positive and negative ones - this also means that my quality of my life, to me gets better. This means that I am ready with scenarios and ideas on how to tackle challenges. Not ignoring challenges. Because, isn't ignoring challenges equivalent to running away? Like an ostrich putting his head into the sand, hoping, that he won't be seen?
As mentioned, I like the way of how the secret opened the mind of many. It helped millions of people become aware of their thoughts. But there is more to it, way more. So, let me invite you not to stop at the secret, but move beyond. Use it as a beginning point to design your life. To manage your thoughts. To explore new ways of thinking. Enjoy the fruits of success. But then, start also to manage the stuff that life also throws at you. The challenges. The hard pieces. The limitations. Reframe them. Shed new lights at them. Why are they thrown at you? What is the learning? How can you tackle a similar challenge the next time around. What is the purpose, for you, in experiencing something like this. Just some beginning questions. Something to think about! Or, may be I am just too negative?
Public Programmes: Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses for those interested to become NLP Practitioners, NLP Coaches, Hypnotists or those that want to simply improve their influence and communication skills
For more information, follow these links:
To lean Certified NLP Practitioner and Certified Timeline Therapy™ Techniques Training, click here.
To learn more about our Advanced Coaching Programme, click here
To learn more about the Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) - Words That Change Minds Certification, click here
To register for any of these courses, click here.
To learn more about Asia Mind Dynamics, click here
For companies, interested to know more about in-houses courses, click here.
Alternatively, send an email to andreas.dorn AT gmail.com or najwadorn AT yahoo.com or call 012-287 5048 (Andreas) or Najwa (012-3276 048) for a discussion about your needs and requirements.
See you soon!
The fear in the eyes
Is fear something that is living with us, in every situation?
Let me tell you the story. I am a bit pinked-eye, when it comes to walking around in Sydney. I was in Pitts Street the other day, a normal shopping street with plenty of office buildings.
I had been there a couple of years ago, and remembered some bookshops in the area. I love books and thought, may be I can find some treasures in Australia, that don't exist in Malaysia.
So I asked a woman on the street for direction. She stood aside a postbox, so that was convenient for me.
When I asked her she turned to me, very reluctantly. Fear was in her eyes.
I don't know if Sydney is dangerous and whether or not, there are snatch thieves, robberies or similar. I don't know what kind of impression I gave her - I wasn't dressed shappily or anything.
May be it is the experience that we carry in us - do we all know stories of people being mugged? - may be it is the constant indoctrination from the media that times are changing and robberies are on the rise.
I don't know.
But similar to the loneliness with the IPod or the drunkard in the bus, there are indicators of changes happening in the relations between people.
I left the woman with a very friendly smile, after she gave me the information. May be I made a change inside of her. May be not. But try, you who read it - make a change today. Be friendly to those around you. Together we can change the world, and every individual can start now, to just smile at people again and share a friendly word with them, every now and the.
Public Programmes: Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses for those interested to become NLP Practitioners, NLP Coaches, Hypnotists or those that want to simply improve their influence and communication skills
For more information, follow these links:
To learn Certified NLP Practitioner and Certified Timeline Therapy™ Techniques Training, click here.
To learn more about our Advanced Coaching Programme, click here
To learn more about the Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) - Words That Change Minds Certification, click here
To register for any of these courses, click here.
To learn more about Asia Mind Dynamics, click here
For companies, interested to know more about in-houses courses, click here
nlp malaysia
certified nlp practitioner malaysia
leadership training malaysia
leadership coaching malaysia
timeline malaysia
hypnotherapy malaysia
hypnosis malaysia
sales training malaysia
Let me tell you the story. I am a bit pinked-eye, when it comes to walking around in Sydney. I was in Pitts Street the other day, a normal shopping street with plenty of office buildings.
I had been there a couple of years ago, and remembered some bookshops in the area. I love books and thought, may be I can find some treasures in Australia, that don't exist in Malaysia.
So I asked a woman on the street for direction. She stood aside a postbox, so that was convenient for me.
When I asked her she turned to me, very reluctantly. Fear was in her eyes.
I don't know if Sydney is dangerous and whether or not, there are snatch thieves, robberies or similar. I don't know what kind of impression I gave her - I wasn't dressed shappily or anything.
May be it is the experience that we carry in us - do we all know stories of people being mugged? - may be it is the constant indoctrination from the media that times are changing and robberies are on the rise.
I don't know.
But similar to the loneliness with the IPod or the drunkard in the bus, there are indicators of changes happening in the relations between people.
I left the woman with a very friendly smile, after she gave me the information. May be I made a change inside of her. May be not. But try, you who read it - make a change today. Be friendly to those around you. Together we can change the world, and every individual can start now, to just smile at people again and share a friendly word with them, every now and the.
Public Programmes: Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses for those interested to become NLP Practitioners, NLP Coaches, Hypnotists or those that want to simply improve their influence and communication skills
For more information, follow these links:
To learn Certified NLP Practitioner and Certified Timeline Therapy™ Techniques Training, click here.
To learn more about our Advanced Coaching Programme, click here
To learn more about the Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) - Words That Change Minds Certification, click here
To register for any of these courses, click here.
To learn more about Asia Mind Dynamics, click here
For companies, interested to know more about in-houses courses, click here
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Facebook,narcism, leadership and the current crisis
Are you on Facebook?
May be spending hours and hours on either designing your website, leaving messages on your friends' site, sending out flowers, fighting battles with werewolves and others?
Or are you the more casual user, checking in every now and then, but otherwise, you are more quiet?
Let's be a bit tongue in cheek, if I may!
A study now links narcissism to Facebook users.
"Researchers at the University of Georgia gave personality questionnaires to nearly 130 Facebook users and analyzed the content of their online profiles. They also had untrained observers look at the profiles and rate how narcissistic, or excessively egotistical, the owners of the profiles were.
The results of the study are detailed in the October issue of the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
The researchers found that the number of friends and wall posts (messages left by the owner of the profile or friends) that a person had on their profile correlated with how narcissistic they were. Study leader Laura Buffardi, a Ph.D. student in psychology, said this is similar to how narcissists behave in the real world, forming numerous but shallow relationships with others.
Narcissistic Facebook users were also more likely to have glamorous, self-promoting pictures for their main profile photo, while others tended to use snapshots, the study found. The untrained observers also noted the differences in photos and amount of social interaction."
Isn't it interesting?
Are you now going to change your picture, your approach to Facebook, or do you bask in glory, saying, that this is alright like that?
But don't worry and whatever you do - another study found that narcists tend to become leaders. And this sheds a totally new light on Facebook, right?
May be companies can start sourcing their candidates from Facebook - which would presume, again, that narcissists are able to lead.
Are they? .... I read, somewhere, that they are not. And the lead researcher of the study also states that "it's not surprising that narcissists become leaders. They like power, they are egotistical, and they are usually charming and extraverted. But the problem is, they don't necessarily make better leaders."
Sorry! So may be this is the explanation for the current financial crisis? May be and this is just my piece here, leaders were to narcissistic in reaching short-term gains, to please Wall Street, so that they didn't care less about the reliability of their business model or if the lending structure was sustainable? I am guessing only, and I am not an expert of the financial crisis, just thinking about it :)
But whatever it is - communication is important. And Facebook together with other social websites are changing the ways we communicate.
(By Asia Mind Dynamics)
Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses on:
1.) The NLP Certified Practitioner and Time Line Therapy (TM) Course
Fifth course in 2008: November 13-16, November 21-23 and November 28-30 2008
For more information, click this link, call 6-012 - 287 5048 (Andreas) or send an email to andreas.dorn AT gmail.com
See you soon!!
May be spending hours and hours on either designing your website, leaving messages on your friends' site, sending out flowers, fighting battles with werewolves and others?
Or are you the more casual user, checking in every now and then, but otherwise, you are more quiet?
Let's be a bit tongue in cheek, if I may!
A study now links narcissism to Facebook users.
"Researchers at the University of Georgia gave personality questionnaires to nearly 130 Facebook users and analyzed the content of their online profiles. They also had untrained observers look at the profiles and rate how narcissistic, or excessively egotistical, the owners of the profiles were.
The results of the study are detailed in the October issue of the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
The researchers found that the number of friends and wall posts (messages left by the owner of the profile or friends) that a person had on their profile correlated with how narcissistic they were. Study leader Laura Buffardi, a Ph.D. student in psychology, said this is similar to how narcissists behave in the real world, forming numerous but shallow relationships with others.
Narcissistic Facebook users were also more likely to have glamorous, self-promoting pictures for their main profile photo, while others tended to use snapshots, the study found. The untrained observers also noted the differences in photos and amount of social interaction."
Isn't it interesting?
Are you now going to change your picture, your approach to Facebook, or do you bask in glory, saying, that this is alright like that?
But don't worry and whatever you do - another study found that narcists tend to become leaders. And this sheds a totally new light on Facebook, right?
May be companies can start sourcing their candidates from Facebook - which would presume, again, that narcissists are able to lead.
Are they? .... I read, somewhere, that they are not. And the lead researcher of the study also states that "it's not surprising that narcissists become leaders. They like power, they are egotistical, and they are usually charming and extraverted. But the problem is, they don't necessarily make better leaders."
Sorry! So may be this is the explanation for the current financial crisis? May be and this is just my piece here, leaders were to narcissistic in reaching short-term gains, to please Wall Street, so that they didn't care less about the reliability of their business model or if the lending structure was sustainable? I am guessing only, and I am not an expert of the financial crisis, just thinking about it :)
But whatever it is - communication is important. And Facebook together with other social websites are changing the ways we communicate.
(By Asia Mind Dynamics)
Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses on:
1.) The NLP Certified Practitioner and Time Line Therapy (TM) Course
Fifth course in 2008: November 13-16, November 21-23 and November 28-30 2008
For more information, click this link, call 6-012 - 287 5048 (Andreas) or send an email to andreas.dorn AT gmail.com
See you soon!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Scaling change
I love scales and may be the reason for this is my huge background in market research. Scales from 1 to 5, or 1 to 7 always gives you an indication of where someone or something stands.
Imagine, for just a moment, you get back the result of a product test and the satisfaction of the consumer ranges 7 out of 10. Or, in an employee opionion survey, the satisfaction of the executive is 5 out of 10.
This is a clear indication of something amiss. It is not perfect, may be not even close.
Let's say I am coaching a client in his or her preparation for an interview with a candidate. We are working on developing their skills. Or in a more neurological intervention, I am coaching a client to take on a new behaviour.
Sure, sometimes things work out immediately, and the intervention is an immediate success. Sometimes, it takes a staggered approach and more than one intervention.
In between I am asking the client where on a scale his change indicator is. I might ask "on a scale from one to ten, with 10 being the old behavior totally gone and you have now totally changed and assumed the new behaviour, where are you?" While the question looks innocent, there is a lot going on in this question. With a lot of different embedded suggestions - see the underlned words!
Whatever the client gives me, anything below a ten, I would ask "what do you need to do now, in order to reach a ten now!?" Again, see the underlined words with some embedded commands!
What this requires the client to do is to go inside and imagine what they need to do. They give me the answer. Whatever comes out now, I might ask them to just do that. Or imagine doing this. Visualising with all their different representational systems - what do people say to them, what will they hear, what will they see or feel, after they managed to change their behaviour.
Powerful, I tell you!
Now, for you, who is reading this, you can use this as well.
When you are a parent and you want your child to get better grades in school. Ask the child to scale his or her current results, and then ask, what he or she would need to do to get a higher grade?
Or, if you are a business developer and the client is not yet convinced that your product or service is the best - ask the question.
Or you are suppose to present something - where on the scale are you? And then ask yourself, what you need to do to reach the famous 10!
Or, you are an employer, a lover, a company advertising, a politicean who hasn't managed to convinced the masses of his or her message ... please fill in the blanks!
Ha! Let me play a bit, can I?
What do you need to know (may be from us?) that we in Asia Mind Dynamics are the company you need to work with to succeed? Or to know that we help you create the experience in our NLP trainings that you want to join us now!
Isn't this wonderful All these questions?
(By Asia Mind Dynamics)
Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses on:
Download Brochure:
Other Courses:
Fifth course in 2008: November 13-16, November 21-23 and November 28-30 2008
Prices are staggered according to time of sign-ups. The earlier you sign up, the better it gets!!
So call now: 012- 3276 048 Alternatively, send a mail to najwadorn AT yahoo.com
6 days Internationally Certified “WORDS THAT CHANGE MINDS” Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) Master Practitioner Course
Learn the Language of Influence now.
Third course in 2008: October 31 - November 2 2008 and November 7-9 2008
Just Imagine:
You are able to notice and respond to how people and groups get motivated, process information and make decisions. You get to know them better than they do themselves. In 8 minutes or less!!!
And you do this my just listening to the words they say – and then influence them with the right responses and the right words.
Simply irresistible – Imagine the possibilities!!
Join now and call us now. Asia Mind Dynamics is the only company trained in the Words That Change Minds - The Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) training course.
Download PowerPoint Presentation:
The "Words That Change Minds” Language and Behaviour (LAB Profile) Practitioner Course
Download Brochure:
The "Words That Change Minds” Language and Behaviour (LAB Profile) Practitioner Course

Call 012 - 3276 048 now to book your seat early.
Register soon to secure your seat (courses are claimable under HRDF-SBL).
Curious about the people behind Asia Mind Dynamics, our philosophy and other training courses we offer?
Why don't you check out this link now, and see, how else we can help you?
Or, if you are interested in a conversation about coaching for whatever reason, give yourself a little pad on the shoulder. Because we are right here for you.
Call Andreas now at 6-012 - 287 5048 for a private and confidential meeting.
Comments from participants: “Andreas has the enthusiasm for his subject that explodes into your subconscious mind and really makes NLP real for me. I recommend this training for everyone who already thinks that they are great – because they will realise just how much better they will be.”
Remove your fears, create success and become the magnificent being that you desire to be, and deserve to become.
Be aware that you change, once you embark on your NLP Course. You look at the world differently, and at your own habits.
You start to understand the reasons behind certain actions of yours and those around you. You start to live more consciously and purposefully. You gain greater understanding and create the life you desire.
There is hardly any participant who hasn't changed with NLP and we at Asia Mind Dynamics support you wholeheartly in the whole process and beyond. For us, there is nothing more beautiful than to experience the transformation of participants into magnificent beings.
Join us NOW or call at 012- 3276 048 for more information.
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leadership training malaysia
leadership coaching malaysia
timeline malaysia
hypnotherapy malaysia
hypnosis malaysia
sales training malaysia
Imagine, for just a moment, you get back the result of a product test and the satisfaction of the consumer ranges 7 out of 10. Or, in an employee opionion survey, the satisfaction of the executive is 5 out of 10.
This is a clear indication of something amiss. It is not perfect, may be not even close.
Let's say I am coaching a client in his or her preparation for an interview with a candidate. We are working on developing their skills. Or in a more neurological intervention, I am coaching a client to take on a new behaviour.
Sure, sometimes things work out immediately, and the intervention is an immediate success. Sometimes, it takes a staggered approach and more than one intervention.
In between I am asking the client where on a scale his change indicator is. I might ask "on a scale from one to ten, with 10 being the old behavior totally gone and you have now totally changed and assumed the new behaviour, where are you?" While the question looks innocent, there is a lot going on in this question. With a lot of different embedded suggestions - see the underlned words!
Whatever the client gives me, anything below a ten, I would ask "what do you need to do now, in order to reach a ten now!?" Again, see the underlined words with some embedded commands!
What this requires the client to do is to go inside and imagine what they need to do. They give me the answer. Whatever comes out now, I might ask them to just do that. Or imagine doing this. Visualising with all their different representational systems - what do people say to them, what will they hear, what will they see or feel, after they managed to change their behaviour.
Powerful, I tell you!
Now, for you, who is reading this, you can use this as well.
When you are a parent and you want your child to get better grades in school. Ask the child to scale his or her current results, and then ask, what he or she would need to do to get a higher grade?
Or, if you are a business developer and the client is not yet convinced that your product or service is the best - ask the question.
Or you are suppose to present something - where on the scale are you? And then ask yourself, what you need to do to reach the famous 10!
Or, you are an employer, a lover, a company advertising, a politicean who hasn't managed to convinced the masses of his or her message ... please fill in the blanks!
Ha! Let me play a bit, can I?
What do you need to know (may be from us?) that we in Asia Mind Dynamics are the company you need to work with to succeed? Or to know that we help you create the experience in our NLP trainings that you want to join us now!
Isn't this wonderful All these questions?
(By Asia Mind Dynamics)
Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses on:
1.) The NLP Certified Practitioner and Time Line Therapy (TM) Course
Download Brochure:
Other Courses:
Fifth course in 2008: November 13-16, November 21-23 and November 28-30 2008
Prices are staggered according to time of sign-ups. The earlier you sign up, the better it gets!!
So call now: 012- 3276 048 Alternatively, send a mail to najwadorn AT yahoo.com
"Words that Change Minds" - The Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) Training - Persuasion and Influencing Skills
6 days Internationally Certified “WORDS THAT CHANGE MINDS” Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) Master Practitioner Course
Learn the Language of Influence now.
Third course in 2008: October 31 - November 2 2008 and November 7-9 2008
Just Imagine:
You are able to notice and respond to how people and groups get motivated, process information and make decisions. You get to know them better than they do themselves. In 8 minutes or less!!!
And you do this my just listening to the words they say – and then influence them with the right responses and the right words.
Simply irresistible – Imagine the possibilities!!
Join now and call us now. Asia Mind Dynamics is the only company trained in the Words That Change Minds - The Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) training course.
Download PowerPoint Presentation:
The "Words That Change Minds” Language and Behaviour (LAB Profile) Practitioner Course
Download Brochure:
The "Words That Change Minds” Language and Behaviour (LAB Profile) Practitioner Course
Call 012 - 3276 048 now to book your seat early.
Register soon to secure your seat (courses are claimable under HRDF-SBL).
Curious about the people behind Asia Mind Dynamics, our philosophy and other training courses we offer?
Why don't you check out this link now, and see, how else we can help you?
Or, if you are interested in a conversation about coaching for whatever reason, give yourself a little pad on the shoulder. Because we are right here for you.
Call Andreas now at 6-012 - 287 5048 for a private and confidential meeting.
Comments from participants: “Andreas has the enthusiasm for his subject that explodes into your subconscious mind and really makes NLP real for me. I recommend this training for everyone who already thinks that they are great – because they will realise just how much better they will be.”
Remove your fears, create success and become the magnificent being that you desire to be, and deserve to become.
Price is staggered, dependent on your time of registration - so in order to get the best offer, better register VERY early!!
Be aware that you change, once you embark on your NLP Course. You look at the world differently, and at your own habits.
You start to understand the reasons behind certain actions of yours and those around you. You start to live more consciously and purposefully. You gain greater understanding and create the life you desire.
There is hardly any participant who hasn't changed with NLP and we at Asia Mind Dynamics support you wholeheartly in the whole process and beyond. For us, there is nothing more beautiful than to experience the transformation of participants into magnificent beings.
Join us NOW or call at 012- 3276 048 for more information.
Monday, September 15, 2008
NLP used during the Beijing Olympics
It is now official - the British team that competed in the Beijing Olympics used ..... Neuro Linguistics Programming. And it is part of the success recipe - they achieved the best performance in 100 years, underlined with 19 Gold metals.
Apparently, and according to the article, the usage of NLP is common in the US and the Russian teams since ages, and Michael Phelps is probably another example.
If people can visualise winning and what it is like to hear the crowd as they cross the winning line and what it feels like to win, it becomes a reality to them and their mind shifts their perception of what is possible and enhances their performance.
Sonia Saxton says that "In the last few years NLP techniques have been top of the list and now coaches are a lot more experienced in athletes helping themselves mentally. Understanding the psychology plays a bigger role because that is what achieves the results."
During preparation for Beijing, triple gold medal winning cyclist Chris Hoy has said: "Visualisation is a very important part. It's good to go through every little detail of the race in your mind beforehand.
“Then when it comes to race day, you are prepared and you know what to expect. A major part of it is having self-belief."
Sonia Saxton adds: "When Roger Bannister ran the first four-minute mile, he didn't think it was possible until he imagined doing it. He saw it in his mind and imagined he had already done it, heard his feet hitting the ground, and felt physically what it was like to have achieved his dream. He overcame the belief that it wasn't possible."
Malaysia Team - please contact me and I would be so incredibly happy to assist the nation to achieve their goals.
Source: Personnel Today
(By Asia Mind Dynamics)
Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses on:
1.) NLP Certified Practitioner Course together with Time Line Therapy (TM)
10 Days NLP Certified Practitioner Course + Certified Timeline Therapy (TM) Techniques Practitioner + NLP Practitioner Coaching Certification
Three modules to change your life!
Other Courses:
Fifth course in 2008: November 13-16, November 21-23 and November 28-30 2008
Prices are staggered according to time of sign-ups. The earlier you sign up, the better it gets!! So call now: 012-287 50 48
6 days Certified “WORDS THAT CHANGE MINDS” Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) Practitioner Courses
Third course in 2008: October 31 - November 2 2008 and November 7-9 2008
Learn the Language of Influence now.
Developed from the so-called Meta-Programs in NLP, this course is specially designed for those who aspire to be Master Communicators.
Call 012 - 287 50 48 now to book your seat early. ______________________________________________________________________________
Comments from participants: “Andreas has the enthusiasm for his subject that explodes into your subconscious mind and really makes NLP real for me. I recommend this training for everyone who already thinks that they are great – because they will realise just how much better they will be.”
Remove your fears, create success and become the magnificent being that you desire to be, and deserve to become.
Register Online - click here
Register via fax form with this registration form - click here
Be aware that you change, once you embark on your NLP Course. You look at the world differently, and at your own habits.
You start to understand the reasons behind certain actions of yours and those around you. You start to live more consciously and purposefully. You gain greater understanding and create the life you desire.
There is hardly any participant who hasn't changed with NLP and we at Asia Mind Dynamics support you wholeheartly in the whole process and beyond. For us, there is nothing more beautiful than to experience the transformation of participants into magnificent beings.
Join us NOW or call at 012-287 50 48 for more information.
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certified nlp practitioner malaysia
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Apparently, and according to the article, the usage of NLP is common in the US and the Russian teams since ages, and Michael Phelps is probably another example.
If people can visualise winning and what it is like to hear the crowd as they cross the winning line and what it feels like to win, it becomes a reality to them and their mind shifts their perception of what is possible and enhances their performance.
Sonia Saxton says that "In the last few years NLP techniques have been top of the list and now coaches are a lot more experienced in athletes helping themselves mentally. Understanding the psychology plays a bigger role because that is what achieves the results."
During preparation for Beijing, triple gold medal winning cyclist Chris Hoy has said: "Visualisation is a very important part. It's good to go through every little detail of the race in your mind beforehand.
“Then when it comes to race day, you are prepared and you know what to expect. A major part of it is having self-belief."
Sonia Saxton adds: "When Roger Bannister ran the first four-minute mile, he didn't think it was possible until he imagined doing it. He saw it in his mind and imagined he had already done it, heard his feet hitting the ground, and felt physically what it was like to have achieved his dream. He overcame the belief that it wasn't possible."
Malaysia Team - please contact me and I would be so incredibly happy to assist the nation to achieve their goals.
Source: Personnel Today
(By Asia Mind Dynamics)
Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses on:
1.) NLP Certified Practitioner Course together with Time Line Therapy (TM)
10 Days NLP Certified Practitioner Course + Certified Timeline Therapy (TM) Techniques Practitioner + NLP Practitioner Coaching Certification
Three modules to change your life!
Other Courses:
Fifth course in 2008: November 13-16, November 21-23 and November 28-30 2008
Prices are staggered according to time of sign-ups. The earlier you sign up, the better it gets!! So call now: 012-287 50 48
6 days Certified “WORDS THAT CHANGE MINDS” Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) Practitioner Courses
Third course in 2008: October 31 - November 2 2008 and November 7-9 2008
Learn the Language of Influence now.
Developed from the so-called Meta-Programs in NLP, this course is specially designed for those who aspire to be Master Communicators.
Call 012 - 287 50 48 now to book your seat early. ______________________________________________________________________________
Comments from participants: “Andreas has the enthusiasm for his subject that explodes into your subconscious mind and really makes NLP real for me. I recommend this training for everyone who already thinks that they are great – because they will realise just how much better they will be.”
Remove your fears, create success and become the magnificent being that you desire to be, and deserve to become.
Price is staggered, dependent on your time of registration - so in order to get the best offer, better register VERY early!!
Register Online - click here
Register via fax form with this registration form - click here
Be aware that you change, once you embark on your NLP Course. You look at the world differently, and at your own habits.
You start to understand the reasons behind certain actions of yours and those around you. You start to live more consciously and purposefully. You gain greater understanding and create the life you desire.
There is hardly any participant who hasn't changed with NLP and we at Asia Mind Dynamics support you wholeheartly in the whole process and beyond. For us, there is nothing more beautiful than to experience the transformation of participants into magnificent beings.
Join us NOW or call at 012-287 50 48 for more information.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
What do you do when .... Questions that make you think!
A couple of questions that might haunt you or anyone else in your surrounding, every now and then. Some of these might be personal, some might relate to your professional field. Think about them, and may be share your responses, if you wish.
- How do you cope when you know you have to do something, but then, somehow, nothing moves you to action?
- What do you do when you have a deadline to meet in the next 1 hour, but suddenly, a colleague bursts in your office asking for help?
- How do you feel when you say "no" to someone or something that is important to others, but actually not to you?
- How do you usually upgrade your skills?
- If you could change one thing in your life, right now, what would that be? (powerful question, think about it!!)
- What is your goal for the next 5 months?
- How many tasks do you handle per day?
- Do you still remember whom you met yesterday morning?
- What was the best thing that happened to you today?
- Whom will you satisfy tomorrow?
- When was the last time, you really relaxed, not doing anything, and felt really good about it?
- How do you feel when you meet new people?
- How would you cope with addiction?
- How do you feel when you are disappointed by someone and what do you usually do about it?
Interesting questions?
(Posted by Asia Mind Dynamics)
Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses on:
1.) NLP Certified Practitioner Course together with Time Line Therapy (TM)
10 Days NLP Certified Practitioner Course + Certified Timeline Therapy (TM) Techniques Practitioner + NLP Practitioner Coaching Certification
Three modules to change your life!
Fifth course in 2008: November 13-16, November 21-23 and November 28-30 2008
Prices are staggered according to time of sign-ups. The earlier you sign up, the better it gets!!
So call now: 012-287 50 48
6 days Certified “WORDS THAT CHANGE MINDS” Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) Practitioner Courses
Third course in 2008: October 31 - November 2 2008 and November 7-9 2008
Learn the Language of Influence now.
Developed from the so-called Meta-Programs in NLP, this course is specially designed for those who aspire to be Master Communicators.
Call 012 - 287 50 48 now to book your seat early.
Comments from participants: “Andreas has the enthusiasm for his subject that explodes into your subconscious mind and really makes NLP real for me. I recommend this training for everyone who already thinks that they are great – because they will realise just how much better they will be.”
Remove your fears, create success and become the magnificent being that you desire to be, and deserve to become.
Register Online - click here
Register via fax form with this registration form - click here
Be aware that you change, once you embark on your NLP Course. You look at the world differently, and at your own habits.
You start to understand the reasons behind certain actions of yours and those around you. You start to live more consciously and purposefully. You gain greater understanding and create the life you desire.
There is hardly any participant who hasn't changed with NLP and we at Asia Mind Dynamics support you wholeheartly in the whole process and beyond. For us, there is nothing more beautiful than to experience the transformation of participants into magnificent beings.
Join us NOW or call at 012-287 50 48 for more information.
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leadership coaching malaysia
timeline malaysia
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- How do you cope when you know you have to do something, but then, somehow, nothing moves you to action?
- What do you do when you have a deadline to meet in the next 1 hour, but suddenly, a colleague bursts in your office asking for help?
- How do you feel when you say "no" to someone or something that is important to others, but actually not to you?
- How do you usually upgrade your skills?
- If you could change one thing in your life, right now, what would that be? (powerful question, think about it!!)
- What is your goal for the next 5 months?
- How many tasks do you handle per day?
- Do you still remember whom you met yesterday morning?
- What was the best thing that happened to you today?
- Whom will you satisfy tomorrow?
- When was the last time, you really relaxed, not doing anything, and felt really good about it?
- How do you feel when you meet new people?
- How would you cope with addiction?
- How do you feel when you are disappointed by someone and what do you usually do about it?
Interesting questions?
(Posted by Asia Mind Dynamics)
Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses on:
1.) NLP Certified Practitioner Course together with Time Line Therapy (TM)
10 Days NLP Certified Practitioner Course + Certified Timeline Therapy (TM) Techniques Practitioner + NLP Practitioner Coaching Certification
Three modules to change your life!
Fifth course in 2008: November 13-16, November 21-23 and November 28-30 2008
Prices are staggered according to time of sign-ups. The earlier you sign up, the better it gets!!
So call now: 012-287 50 48
6 days Certified “WORDS THAT CHANGE MINDS” Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) Practitioner Courses
Third course in 2008: October 31 - November 2 2008 and November 7-9 2008
Learn the Language of Influence now.
Developed from the so-called Meta-Programs in NLP, this course is specially designed for those who aspire to be Master Communicators.
Call 012 - 287 50 48 now to book your seat early.
Comments from participants: “Andreas has the enthusiasm for his subject that explodes into your subconscious mind and really makes NLP real for me. I recommend this training for everyone who already thinks that they are great – because they will realise just how much better they will be.”
Remove your fears, create success and become the magnificent being that you desire to be, and deserve to become.
Price is staggered, dependent on your time of registration - so in order to get the best offer, better register VERY early!!
Register Online - click here
Register via fax form with this registration form - click here
Be aware that you change, once you embark on your NLP Course. You look at the world differently, and at your own habits.
You start to understand the reasons behind certain actions of yours and those around you. You start to live more consciously and purposefully. You gain greater understanding and create the life you desire.
There is hardly any participant who hasn't changed with NLP and we at Asia Mind Dynamics support you wholeheartly in the whole process and beyond. For us, there is nothing more beautiful than to experience the transformation of participants into magnificent beings.
Join us NOW or call at 012-287 50 48 for more information.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Gaining confidence through singing - the new portable Karaoke machine
May be the new invention or innovation from Japan assists us in gaining more confidence? Ask yourself - how many of us like to sing in public, in front of an audience? Or even on the street?
I believe most of us feel horified just thinking about this. Itis bad enough to speak and present, isn't it? Now singing on the street?
Well, we might soon see people running around with portable Karaoke sets.
"A Japanese toy maker will soon sell a portable, personal karaoke machine so you can belt out your favorite tunes anywhere, and without having to wait for the microphone."
The machine weighs less than a pound and is a 7 cm cube.
This will surely help with confidence - to the horror of those exposed to it.
Now, you can imagine 100s of younsters roaming the streets or malls in Kuala Lumpur, all singing their own Karaoke song!
However, as a secondary benefit - they all develop mental strategies for confidence. Because ultimately, it takes some stomach to sing. I rather sing in the car or under the shower. Preferably alone, otherwise, my son tells me to shut up!!
Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses on:
1.) NLP Certified Practitioner Course together with Time Line Therapy (TM)
10 Days NLP Certified Practitioner Course + Certified Timeline Therapy (TM) Techniques Practitioner
Three modules to change your life!
Other Courses:
Fourth course in 2008: August 8 - 10, August 14-17 and August 22-24 2008
Fifth course in 2008: November 13-16, November 21-23 and November 28-30 2008
Prices are staggered according to time of sign-ups. The earlier you sign up, the better it gets!!
So call now: 012-287 50 48
10 Days NLP Certified Master Practitioner Course
July 17-20, July 25-27, August 1-3
Early Bird Sign-ups. Take advantage of those for real cost savings!
So call now: 012-287 50 48
6 days Certified “WORDS THAT CHANGE MINDS” Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) Practitioner Courses
Second course: June 20-22, June 27-29Third course in 2008: October 31 - November 2 2008 and November 7-9 2008
Learn the Language of Influence now.
Developed from the so-called Meta-Programs in NLP, this course is specially designed for those who aspire to be Master Communicators.
Call 012 - 287 50 48 now to book your seat early.
Comments from participants: “Andreas has the enthusiasm for his subject that explodes into your subconscious mind and really makes NLP real for me. I recommend this training for everyone who already thinks that they are great – because they will realise just how much better they will be.”
Remove your fears, create success and become the magnificent being that you desire to be, and deserve to become.
Register Online - click here
Register via fax form with this registration form - click here
Be aware that you change, once you embark on your NLP Course. You look at the world differently, and at your own habits.
You start to understand the reasons behind certain actions of yours and those around you. You start to live more consciously and purposefully. You gain greater understanding and create the life you desire.
There is hardly any participant who hasn't changed with NLP and we at Asia Mind Dynamics support you wholeheartly in the whole process and beyond. For us, there is nothing more beautiful than to experience the transformation of participants into magnificent beings.
Join us NOW or call at 012-287 50 48 for more information.
nlp malaysia
certified nlp practitioner malaysia
leadership training malaysia
leadership coaching malaysia
timeline malaysia
hypnotherapy malaysia
hypnosis malaysia
sales training malaysia
I believe most of us feel horified just thinking about this. Itis bad enough to speak and present, isn't it? Now singing on the street?
Well, we might soon see people running around with portable Karaoke sets.
"A Japanese toy maker will soon sell a portable, personal karaoke machine so you can belt out your favorite tunes anywhere, and without having to wait for the microphone."
The machine weighs less than a pound and is a 7 cm cube.
This will surely help with confidence - to the horror of those exposed to it.
Now, you can imagine 100s of younsters roaming the streets or malls in Kuala Lumpur, all singing their own Karaoke song!
However, as a secondary benefit - they all develop mental strategies for confidence. Because ultimately, it takes some stomach to sing. I rather sing in the car or under the shower. Preferably alone, otherwise, my son tells me to shut up!!
Asia Mind Dynamics organises new courses on:
1.) NLP Certified Practitioner Course together with Time Line Therapy (TM)
10 Days NLP Certified Practitioner Course + Certified Timeline Therapy (TM) Techniques Practitioner
Three modules to change your life!
Other Courses:
Fourth course in 2008: August 8 - 10, August 14-17 and August 22-24 2008
Fifth course in 2008: November 13-16, November 21-23 and November 28-30 2008
Prices are staggered according to time of sign-ups. The earlier you sign up, the better it gets!!
So call now: 012-287 50 48
10 Days NLP Certified Master Practitioner Course
July 17-20, July 25-27, August 1-3
Early Bird Sign-ups. Take advantage of those for real cost savings!
So call now: 012-287 50 48
6 days Certified “WORDS THAT CHANGE MINDS” Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile) Practitioner Courses
Second course: June 20-22, June 27-29Third course in 2008: October 31 - November 2 2008 and November 7-9 2008
Learn the Language of Influence now.
Developed from the so-called Meta-Programs in NLP, this course is specially designed for those who aspire to be Master Communicators.
Call 012 - 287 50 48 now to book your seat early.
Comments from participants: “Andreas has the enthusiasm for his subject that explodes into your subconscious mind and really makes NLP real for me. I recommend this training for everyone who already thinks that they are great – because they will realise just how much better they will be.”
Remove your fears, create success and become the magnificent being that you desire to be, and deserve to become.
Price is staggered, dependent on your time of registration - so in order to get the best offer, better register VERY early!!
Register Online - click here
Register via fax form with this registration form - click here
Be aware that you change, once you embark on your NLP Course. You look at the world differently, and at your own habits.
You start to understand the reasons behind certain actions of yours and those around you. You start to live more consciously and purposefully. You gain greater understanding and create the life you desire.
There is hardly any participant who hasn't changed with NLP and we at Asia Mind Dynamics support you wholeheartly in the whole process and beyond. For us, there is nothing more beautiful than to experience the transformation of participants into magnificent beings.
Join us NOW or call at 012-287 50 48 for more information.
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